
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd ja Harold Ramis ovat jälleen kokoontuneet taistelemaan aaveita ja kummajaisia vastaan. Viisi vuotta on kulunut sitä kun he pelastivat New Yorkin. Nämä yliluonnollisten ilmiöiden taltuttajat ja kuuluisat supertähdet palaavat takaisin kehiin kun nykyisin yksinkhuoltajana eläväna Dana Barrettin poikavauva joutuu voimakkaiden demonisten voimien ahdistelmaksi. (Universal Pictures Fin.)


Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti No, this just isn't it anymore. It's not as briskly paced, it doesn't have that great momentum, and some things are even repeated here. It's painfully evident how they tried, but it just didn't work. It's not well-executed, and I'd almost say it's rushed. It's a shame because this foursome definitely deserved better. Well, unfortunately, it won't come to that. Certainly not in this composition. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Essentially the same can be said about the sequel to Ghostbusters as about the first one. The same director, producer, and cast. A very similar plot and identical audience. Just like the first one, the second had a very decent commercial reception; it's a professionally made studio film that can only be faulted for lacking the originality of the first installment. Overall impression: 70%. ()

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