Suoratoistopalvelut (1)



Raa'an murhan tapahtumapaikalta löytyy kastanjoista tehty hahmo. Sen avulla kaksi poliisia jahtaa tappajaa, jolla on jokin yhteys poliitikon kadonneeseen lapseen. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti When I started watching Kastanjemanden, I got a little too excited, and I was quite generous in my rating of the pilot episode. The following episodes gradually brought me back to reality, and I started noticing logic holes. Plus, the members of the police investigation department were turned into hopeless pawns. Episode 5 seemed like a small miracle for me, but the very next one brought back everything that annoyed me. If there’s something I can praise, it's the perfect dark and grim atmosphere that lasted for all six episodes. I wasn’t exactly thrilled, but I certainly don't regret having seen this show. 4*- ()