
Avaruusalus lähtee kohti Marsia tehtävänään kansoittaa planeetta. Lähdön jälkeen naisastronautti huomaa olevansa raskaana. Näin alkaa Gardner Elliotin epätavallinen elämä punaisella planeetalla, missä hän kasvaa 16-vuotiaaksi kohdaten vain 14 ihmistä. Gardner ajattelee lakkaamatta isäänsä, jota etsiessään hän tutustuu Tulsaan. Kun Gardnerille vihdoin tarjoutuu tilaisuus vierailla Maassa, käy ilmi, ettei hänen elimistönsä kestä planeetan ilmakehää. Tulsan avustuksella Gardner lähtee pakomatkalle löytääkseen isänsä. (SF Studios Fin.)


Arvostelut (3)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Okay, we all know it's utterly stupid for an astronaut to hide her pregnancy and get to Mars, but so be it, then we wouldn't have a movie, and it would probably be a bit of a shame. I'm not saying this is a must-see, but it was so sweet and touching, I guess I was in the right mood. The visuals are beautiful, the score and soundtrack are wonderful, and I especially enjoyed Asa Butterfield in this role. And the question that will ring in my ears for a long time: "What's your favorite thing about Earth?". ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti When I decided to watch this film, I thought it was supposed to be an adventure/sci-fi. I failed to notice that it was also supposed to be a romance. Romance turned out to be the predominant genre, logic was who knows where taking a break, and the whole thing was clearly aimed at an audience below the age of 15, hence the naivety, I guess. And don’t get me started on the soundtrack... ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I'm sorry, but this movie has such a weird logic that I just can't like it. Sending a group of people to space just so a child can be born there, who then upon return will search for their father, seems like a lot of fuss for nothing because what follows doesn't make much sense. The potential of being on Earth for the first time is not exploited at all. Plus, it's all so heartbreaking. ()