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Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Olivier Marchal and another tough macho gangster flick! The combination of France and Marchal has suited me for over 10 years now, the guy makes decent genre films and I always look forward to each of his new releases. This time he's switched from Netflix to Amazon, where similarly-themed films can be found, and while it's not as good as his previous efforts, he still maintains his directorial standards and I still enjoy the hell out of it. The story is obviously clichéd and this time Marchal hasn't tried to invent anything new, he simply relies on rawness, authenticity, realism and if that's enough for you, you'll be satisfied. I liked the fact that the film focuses on the mobsters rather than the cops – none of the main characters are downright interesting, but it doesn't matter. The action is properly raw and brutal as is usual with Marchal, the atmosphere and mood is reminiscent of the best of Sicario, and technically and directorially the film is also of a high standard. If you want a purely male genre film without higher ambitions, Overdose is the right choice. 7/10, ()