Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Vankilassa Jeff joutuu maalitauluksi kuuluisuutensa vuoksi. Hänen vanhempansa haluavat selkeyttää tilanteen, ja Glenda toivoo muistomerkkiä uhreille. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



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englanti In the tenth episode, the creators rightfully highlight the flaws in the approach to criminals and their victims. However, I'm not entirely satisfied with the episode itself as it seemed superfluous (more on that in my review of the whole series). The characters can't seem to agree with each other about the concept of second chances. It's quite simple. I'm in favor of second chances but with certain conditions. Consider these questions: Would I give a second chance to a cancer tumor? No. Are serial killers the equivalent of such a tumor for me? Yes. So, in my perspective, the solution is clear — chemotherapy, a bit of radiation, and ultimately cut out and burn. But not to forget. / Lesson learned: It's interesting how the messenger of God can make an atheist happy. ()