Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Monta vuotta Bronxin asfalttisoturit -elokuvan tapahtumien jälkeen entinen jengijohtaja Trash on yksinäinen susi, mutta yhtä hullu kuin aina. Kun hänen vanhempiaan uhkaa megayhtiö, joka aikoo hävittää koko Bronxin, hänen on tehtävä asialle jotain. Hän kokoaa vanhat ystävät koolle, ja uusi jengi on syntynyt. Jengi on Trashin perheen ja ränsistyneen Bronxin viimeinen toivo. (Soulmedia Fin.)


Arvostelut (1)



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englanti Not as stylish and extravagant as 1990: The Bronx Warriors, but much more action-packed. The entire film is one long scene of people running around the city burning themselves with flamethrowers or blowing themselves up in peckish slow motion. There's an attempt at some kind of political commentary, but it's basically just a parade of nonstop explosions. Mark Gregory has aged a bit after a year, still wearing a perm and jeans so tight he can barely walk, but he looks a little less effeminate than in the first film. The biggest badass here, however, is his kid sidekick, who has by far the highest kill count of all the characters and kicks ass just as well as Hit-Girl from Kick-Ass. The title of the film (Escape from the Bronx) is quite misleading - nobody actually walks out of the Bronx, but who cares. ()