Fair Play

Traileri 1

Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Yllättävä ylennys säälimättömässä hedge-rahastossa koettelee pariskunnan romanssia uhaten tehdä lopun muustakin kuin heidän tuoreesta kihlauksestaan. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A very promising start, a little questionable conclusion. I understand what Chloe Domont is saying with this film, but I was slightly underwhelmed by the execution. The whole idea could have been presented in hints and small intimate motives of the characters and it would have been very effective. Instead, in the second half, they chose to drive the behaviour of the characters ad absurdum and all the believability fell down for me. It's a shame, it had the makings of a very solid drama with some very thought-provoking ideas. ()

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