Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Pariisista Venetsiaan ja Broadwaylta Hollywoodiin, Cole (Kline) ja Linda (Ashley Judd) Porterin elämä oli täynnä glamouria ja villiä ennakkoluulottomuutta. Vaikka Colen elämänjano koetteli pariskunnan avioliittoa, Linda ei koskaan lakannut olemasta säveltäjän ja usean kevyen musiikin klassikon inspiraation lähde. (SF Film Fin.)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This all-star experience is nothing short of a tribute to Cole Porter. The life and work of one of the 20th century's finest composers needed a light form of biographical collage, and that’s exactly what he received. The likes of Robbie Williams, Alanis Morissette, Natalie Cole, Sheryl Crow and John Barrowman did not miss their opportunity. Personalities from Porter's life pass through the scenes (L.B. Mayer, Irving Berlin) like clockwork, and those who were not touched upon are at least spoken of with respect (Marlene Dietrich). Unfortunately, the songs are interpreted in a modern arrangement and we have to go elsewhere for factual information. The reason for the loose script is the end of a life that balances but does not verify. The film's title is based on the song "It's De-Lovely," originally written for the 1936 musical "Red Hot and Blue." ()