Little Nicky


Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Kaikki lapset tuottavat vanhemmilleen joskus arjen helvettiä, mutta Little Nickylle (Sandler) tilanne on päinvastainen. Äiti on enkeli, mutta perheenpää (Keitel) on itse Paholainen, joka haluaa kaikkien isien tapaan poikansa mukaan "perhe-yritykseen". Nicky voisi mainita 666 asiaa, jota hän tekisi mieluummin; erityisesti ilmakitaran soiton heavy-metalin tahtiin. Mutta kun hänen omat isoveljensä uhkaavat isän valtakuntaa perustamalla oman maanpäällisen helvettinsä New Yorkiin, on Nickyn pakko ryhdistäytyä ja yrittää palauttaa hyvän ja pahan tasapaino.... (SF Film Fin.)


Videot (1)


Arvostelut (3)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I couldn't really get into that movie at all, but in the end, yes. It's playful, it's crazy, and I eventually got used to Sandler's smirk too. Some actors here give absolutely unforgettable performances, computer tricks are used brilliantly, which are not bad for their time at all. The fact is, I will simply remember this movie. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The pitifgul awkwardness named Sandler is to die for after the opening scene, but over the course of the running time the creators (unsurprisingly not Sandler) manage a few successful jokes, so it's bearable. It's hard to enjoy, though. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti What a terribly crazy film! Sandler once again applies absolutely incredible humour, which is definitely not for everyone, and I tolerate it only because he makes fun of absolutely everyone and everything he can think of. First of all from hell itself, which is portrayed so stupidly and unbelievably for us Czechs, that the parodic touch completely won out and overwhelmed the sheer stupidity of the film – watching Satan played Harvey Keitel punish Adolf Hitler had something to it, no matter how one views it. On the one hand, it was painful to watch an actor of Sandler's quality in such an idiotic role, but the few excellent scenes and the many direct references connected with the participation of many familiar faces were a pleasure. I don't know if I should recommend it, but it's not a complete waste of time by any means. 50% ()

Kuvagalleria (24)