
Sidda Lee Walker, a prominent young playwright living in New York City, is a long way from her Louisiana hometown and a safe distance from her loving but highly dramatic and eccentric mother, Vivi. And that's the way she'd like to keep it. But when a 'Time Magazine' profile on Sidda implies that Vivi was not a good mother, Vivi is outraged and the two women get into a fight that threatens to destroy not only their relationship but Sidda's tenuous wedding plans with a man who has waited seven years for her to get over her fear of raising a family of her own. Enter the Ya-Ya Sisterhood... Vivi's intrepid gang of lifelong friends eager to restore peace no matter what it takes. To truly understand Vivi, the Ya-Yas believe, Sidda must know who her mother was as a young woman. A high-spirited beauty who valued love and loyalty above all else, young Vivi was dealt many disappointments in life but was also blessed with an indomitable sense of humor, an adventurous spirit and three best friends. Together, this inseparable foursome shared both good and bad times, celebrating each other's triumphs for more than 40 years, which they recorded in a scrapbook, known as the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Taking matters into their own hands, the Ya-Yas stage an unorthodox intervention to bring mother and daughter back together. With their help and the help of the Divine Secrets, Sidda will begin to unravel the truth about her complicated and unconventional mother, find forgiveness and acceptance, and let go of her painful past. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



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