
The year is 2010. Shinichi (Sho Aikawa) is a second-rate third-grade teacher who gets no respect from his family and little from his students. It seems that in 1978 he fell in love with a TV super hero named Zebraman that was cancelled shortly after airing. The show was set in 2010, so this year he sews himself a makeshift Zebraman costume and slinks around the city at night. His harmless escapism becomes reality when he runs into a half crab half man enemy of the same TV show and begins to realize the stories of Zebraman and his strange alien enemies were actually prophecy and that by making his Zebraman suit he elected himself to fulfill those prophecies. Now he must be the super-hero of his fantasies or let the Earth fall to cute little green aliens bent on conquering our green world. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)
