Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Kal Penn on Gogol Ganguli, lähiössä asuva teini, joka etsii identiteettiään intialasen alkuperänsä ja amerikkalaisen kasvuympäristönsä vaikutteiden välillä. Gogolin ja hänen vanhempiensa matka vie aina Kalkutasta New Yorkiin heidän etsiessään tasapainoa ikivanhojen traditioiden ja nykyaikaisen ajattelutavan välillä. The Namesake –Kaima on inspiroiva tarina siteistä, jotka yhdistävät meitä kaikkia ja liikuttava, eeppinen perhekertomus jota et unohda koskaan. (SF Film Fin.)


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Arvostelut (1)


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englanti Director Mira Nair draws on her ability to stand somewhere between Indian culture represented by Bollywood and traditional filmmaking represented by Hollywood in her work. She is able to effectively combine both styles and sell exoticism cultivated by Western moderation and reality. I know her film Monsoon Wedding, which I liked a little more precisely because of its exotic frame of a traditional Indian wedding, but The Namesake is also a solid film that somewhat suffers from the effort to map the lives of two generations. Two hours is a little too short for that, so the film sometimes feels rushed and the characters a bit like figurines. In addition, it lacks a stronger plot line, and the psychological conflicts are diluted over time and by the director's reluctance to engage in a greater emotional clash. Overall impression: 60%. ()

Kuvagalleria (9)

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