
John Wayne hits the vengeance trail after a gang of express office bandits in this 1935 film from Robert N. Bradbury, who directed most of his many Lone Star Westerns (Texas Terror: The Trail Beyond). John Mason (Wayne) befriends Ben McClure (Reed Howes), who works for his father (Joe DeGrasse), and then watches in horror as Dad Mason is shot to death by a masked gunman during a robbery. Badly wounded while chasing the gang and killing two of its members, John is nursed back to health by Ben's girlfriend, Alice Gordon (Marion Burns), and vows to let nothing stand in the way of justice. Unknown to John. Alice's brother Rudd (Denny Meadows) is his father's murderer, and persuades Ben that his best friend is trying to steal his girl, before the three men shoot it out in the final showdown. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)

