Invisible Waves

  • Thaimaa Boiji anhneun mulgyeol
kaikki julisteet
Thaimaa / Japani / Etelä-Korea / Alankomaat, 2006, 117 min


Invisible Waves is a moody, violent and atmospheric thriller that finds the desperate Kyoji on the run after killing his lover Seiko. Seiko was also the wife of Kyoji's boss, Wiwat, who after discovering the adulterous affair hired Kyoji to kill her. On a cruise ship to Thailand, where Kyoji plans to go into hiding, he meets the mysterious and beautiful Noi. She immediately captivates Kyoji, but their lives are already entwined in ways he never imagined. Kyoji overcome with guilt for his actions and it seems that even his environment is punishing him. Not only is his journey to Phuket peppered with ominous mishaps, but when he reaches Thailand his problems become much more deadly. Kyoji soon discovers the truth about Noi whilst he struggles to survive the men his boss sent to kill him, as well as his own guilt about the actions that began this journey. Kyoji eventually makes it back home... angry, injured, alive and seeking revenge. (Accent Film Entertainment)



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