Epic Movie

  • Yhdysvallat Epic Movie (lisää)
Traileri 2


Hollywoodin massiivisimpien kassamagneettien lempihahmot parodisoidaan herkullisesti eeppisiin mittoihin yltävässä, hulvattoman hauskassa hittikomediassa.Kun neljä orporaukkaa (neljästä eri elokuvasta) jäävät ansaan eriskummalliseen suklaatehtaaseen, he pakenevat maagiseen maailmaan täynnä tekolunta ja taikuruutta. Selviytyäkseen hengissä, heidän on yhdistettävä voimansa erirosvojen, velhojen ja viisaan-mutta-kiimaisen leijonan kanssa lyödäkseen pahan valkoisen nartun! (SF Film Fin.)


Arvostelut (8)


Necrotongue BOO!

kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I saw this film(?) years ago, which is not the main reason why I no longer remembered its plot. My brain blocked out all memory of it thanks to its instinct for self-preservation. I realized this after the first few scenes, and my despair deepened with each new one. If I understand correctly, the authors wanted to make a parody of big blockbusters. Instead, Friedberg and Seltzer created a cringe festival whose highlights were vomiting and coprophagia. Even a Boo! is too high a rating. / Lesson learned: I'd rather pull off my fingernails with some pliers rather than watch this thing again. I’m sure there would be more humor in that than in this film. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

suomi Harmi kyllä elokuva ei mielestäni onnistunut hyödyntämään parodioimiensa teosten tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia, eikä senkään vuoksi voinut välttyä heikommilta hetkiltä, joissa jälleen kerran (valitettavasti) nähdään paljon ällöttävyyksiä, kuten oksentelua paikalla olevien päälle, kuolleita eläimiä, vihjauksia zoofiliaan ja homoseksuaalisuuteen ja kaikkialta valuvaan limaan ja mönjään. Toisin sanoen kun ideat loppuvat, laita henkilöt oksentamaan. Toisaalta en kyllä ihmettelisi, vaikka tämä huumori toimisikin yksinkertaisempaan amerikkalaiseen teiniyleisöön (ja älyvapaan "Show me the funny" -ohjelman perusteella myös amerikkalaisiin aikuisiin), mutta me täällä Euroopassa nauramme hyvälle huumorille, emmekä yrjöämiselle. Minun makuuni nykyään tehdään jo liikaa "parodioita", jotka ovat keskenään lähes samanlaisia. ()

Lima BOO!

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englanti And on that day I beheld absolute evil, in the likeness of hell, as in the painting of Hieronymus Bosch, and there are two Lucifers on the throne, whose names are Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer.........No, really. This is a perfect example of how far loss of judgement can take filmmakers. On the other hand, I would be surprised if this doesn't become a popular item among fans of bad movies in the future. If, like me, you are one of them, this is exactly the kind of film that makes you feel ashamed of the filmmakers, but in some twisted way, you get a kick out of what's happening on screen :) ()

novoten BOO!

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englanti It wasn't completely disgusting, since I have managed to totally surpass myself as far as sexual games with Mystique, but the fact that even this scene ends disgustingly proves that the creators have left the measure of taste far behind. ()


Zíza BOO!

kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I'd seen the trailers and it looked promising, so I figured why not, and I'm off to the video store to rent it... To this day I regret the CZK 45, I could have put it to much better use, like throwing it out the window, because I would have been happier with how it was used. Terrible crap, where the smile froze on my face, the wannabe funny lines are not funny, on the contrary they are the height of lame. Epic Movie is a bunch of failed, unfunny, unfunny, neanderthal, and to top it all off, moving images that emit weird and nonsensical screeches. No, thank you very much, never again... ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Untouched by the Scary Movie franchise and anything else from the Date Movie / Disaster Movie collection, or Meet the Spartans s or Not Another Teen Movie, I was completely insulted. I can handle it better now, but that doesn't mean it is better. ()

kaylin BOO!

kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti So far the most terrible thing I've seen this year. Nothing new under the sun, but this is not a movie. This is misery. Where is the humor when scenes from other movies are lined up, pretending to be different and funny? Is this the answer to the modern definition of satire? If so, I really wonder where society is heading. What am I supposed to laugh at in this movie? That all the actors embarrass themselves and are unable to make a single joke funny? Firstly, it's not even possible. Secondly, why??? Do those actors need to make so much money? Is no one capable of making fun of movies in a sophisticated way anymore? "Naked Gun" was also awkward, but there were jokes that made you laugh. I hope someone comes along who can make satire. And forget about miserable toilet humor, shots of breasts when they don't know what else to do, and show us that we can laugh at intelligent things too. I hope it happens soon. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/04/prcicky-bruce-lee-par-trapnosti.html ()