
Liz Gilbertilla (Julia Roberts) oli kaikki, mistä nykyaikaisen naisen kuuluu unelmoida – aviomies, talo ja menestyksekäs ura – mutta niin monien muiden tavoin hän koki olevansa hukassa ja yrittävänsä yhä epätoivoisesti etsiä sitä, mitä hän todella elämältään haluaa. Avioeron jälkeen elämänsä käännekohtaan tullut Gilbert päättää irtautua oravanpyörästä, riskeerata kaiken ja mullistaa kuvionsa kertaheitolla: hän lähtee maailmanympärimatkalle, jolla hän voi rauhassa tutustua niin ympäröivään maailmaan kuin itseensä. Seikkailullaan hän löytää syömisen todellisen nautinnon ruokaillessaan Italiassa; hän löytää rukouksen voiman Intiassa ja lopulta yllättäen myös sisäisen rauhan ja aidon rakkauden tasapainon Balin paratiisisaarella. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Arvostelut (3)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Eat, Pray, Love is the personal story of Elizabeth Gilbert, who just didn't want to live by the mold and finally admitted it and did something about it. That's such an unpopular starting point that it's clear that it can't be a film loved by everyone because some of the stories simply hurt. Whether it’s because you have a similar fate or a friend who should finally get off her ass and do something similar, even if it doesn't mean driving to the ends of the earth. The book is excruciating in places because it's really just the flow of the main character's thoughts as she radically changes her life at the last possible moment. She's self-centered, but of course only within the necessity of her instinct for self-preservation. Thanks to Julia, the film is quite an entertaining probe into the mind of a much more universal protagonist, if only because the face of Julia has long belonged to so many different protagonists, with whom we have subconsciously identified for so many years. Most importantly, who else can eat spaghetti as sensuously as she can, with that huge mouth of hers? ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A profound and sensual film. When there was eating I drooled, when there was meditating I relaxed, and when there was love... pretty much nothing. Sadly, not enough love in it all. But Julia found love for herself... nice, relaxed, maybe a new direction. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This is a stupid movie about faith and philosophy. This is a silly movie about food, even though it sometimes tries to have food shots in it. But they're not outstanding. And worst of all, this is a pretty dumb and boring drawn-out romance where you'll still feel like the heroine didn't really learn anything. I found Julia very annoying here. ()