Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Despite their lofty hopes, Phil and Jay’s property investment might turn out to be a bust, forcing Phil to rethink his original dream. Meanwhile, Cam lands in the hospital due to a head injury and refuses to have an MRI thanks to a traumatic incident with a well when he was a child. Determined to finally impress Claire and keep her from re-gifting her birthday present, Gloria surprises her with a day of luxury at the office. However, after Claire had to implement some rather harsh budget cuts at work, a massage at her desk may not be sending the right message. (iTunes)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti This time I had a good time, but it wasn't enough for the fifth piece. I liked how Phil thought he would fulfill his big dream and that Jay was finally proud of him, Gloriin's gift to Claire was flawless, Manny got me as a GoT guide for Haley, Alex's career progression was perfect, so that affected hysteric on the CT ruined it for me. Really funny, Cameron. // "No, Claire, don't beat around the bush, we both know that dance isn't your thing." ()