Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Cameron’s older, single sister Pam is coming for a visit, and Cam is in a panic to hide the engagement until he can delicately break the news to her, but it turns out she has news of her own. Phil and Claire make a joint, guilt-ridden decision to miss one of Luke’s volleyball games – that is – until one of them goes behind the other’s back, and Gloria is in denial that she might need reading glasses. (iTunes)


Arvostelut (1)



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englanti Even this episode wasn't bad at all, I just didn't enjoy meeting Cameron's sister, I could have easily done without it. On the other hand, Gloria's fight against glasses, Phil's RoboCop, and Claires' "absence" during Luke's sports success really entertained me. // "Do you remember how we used to spend the whole Saturday without children?" "Well, thanks to that, we have them." ()