Walking Dead

  • Yhdysvallat The Walking Dead (lisää)
Traileri 5
Yhdysvallat, (2010–2022), 134 h 18 min (Pituus: 40–67 min)

TV-sarjan luojat:

Frank Darabont


Frank Darabont, Ernest R. Dickerson, Greg Nicotero (lisää)


Robert Kirkman (sarjakuva), Tony Moore (sarjakuva) (lisää)


Bear McCreary, Sam Ewing


Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, Steven Yeun, Alanna Masterson, Sonequa Martin-Green (lisää)
(lisää ammatteja)

Kaudet(11) / Jaksot(177)


Kausi 1
Poliisi Rick Grimes herää koomasta autiossa sairaalassa, ja toteaa tuntemansa maailman muuttuneen zombien valtaamaksi, apokalyptiseksi taistelutantereeksi. Lähistöllä pieni selviytyjien leiri puolustautuu henkensä edestä 'kuolleiden' vaaniessa joka nurkan takana. Selviääkö Rick ryhmineen zombiarmeijasta - ja toisistaan - uudessa, karmivassa todellisuudessa? The Walking Dead on huikea selviytymisseikkailusarja elokuvan The Shawsank Redemption ohjaajalta ja Terminator tuottajalta.
Kausi 2
Onnistumatta löytämään kaipaamiaan vastauksia kansanterveyslaitoksesta, Rick Grimes joukkoineen ovat jälleen tien päällä. Selviytymistaistelu johdattaa ryhmän zombiepidemian riivaamassa maailmassa Atlantasta turvapaikan toivossa. Kykenevätkö he pitämään kiinni ihmisyydestään tässä julmassa, uudessa todellisuudessa? Kun kaiken lisäksi keskinäinen kilpailu valtaa alaa ryhmän sisällä, onnistuvatko he selviytymään myös toisistaan?
Kausi 3
Ennätyksellisen odotetulla 3. tuotantokaudella Rick ja häntä seuraava selviytyjien joukko jatkaa turvapaikan etsintää tylyssä, maailmanloppua muistuttavassa todellisuudessa. Pian käy selväksi, että pelkoon on suurempiakin aiheita kuin 'elävien kuolleiden' armeija. Taistelu eloon jäämisestä onkin, jos mahdollista, vaarallisempaa kuin koskaan.
Kausi 4
Rick ryhmineen yrittää toipua järkytyksestä menetettyään niin kotinsa, perheenjäseniä kuin ystäviäkin. Vankilan tuhouduttua selviytyjät ajautuvat erilleen ja eksyvät omille poluilleen tietämättöminä toistensa kohtaloista. Telkien turvassa vietetyn ajan päätyttyä on aika kohdata entistäkin altistuneempi elämä täynnä tuntemattomia vihollisia, vaaroja ja sydäntäraastavia ratkaisuja. Kohtalo koettelee ryhmää jälleen kovalla kädellä, osan selvitessä, osan romahtaessa...
Kausi 5
The Walking Deadin viidennellä kaudella Rick ryhmineen yrittää pysyä yhdessä ja elossa kohdatessaan uusia vastoinkäymisiä ja tuttavuuksia. Henkilöt kohtaavat rakkautta, vihaa, rauhaa, ristiriitoja, tyytyväisyyttä ja kauhua. Yksi kysymys vainoaa heitä kuitenkin koko ajan heidän etsiessään vakituista, turvallista suojapaikkaa, jota kutsua kodiksi... Kaiken sen jälkeen mitä he ovat nähneet, tehneet, uhranneet ja menettäneet... Keitä heistä oikein tulee? (SF Film Fin.)


Käyttäjän Necrotongue tähän sarjaan liittyvät arvostelut (108)

Season 1 (2010) (S01) 

englanti I was quite pleased with the first season. It was a very decent post-apocalyptic story, with great performances and perfect costume design, the zombies looked very life-like:). Episodes 4 and 6 were slightly below average, especially the finale dragged and was very predictable. It's a shame, I think the first season deserved a better send-off. ()

Days Gone Bye (2010) (S01E01) 

englanti I really enjoyed the first episode. I didn’t see it as purely horror, but more of a classic post-apocalyptic story. Some scenes strongly reminded me of the Resident Evil series on PS1. It’s clear the creators put a lot of effort into the undead, and I had a great timev. ()

Guts (2010) (S01E02) 

englanti The second episode kept up the quality of the first, thanks to a new group of survivors who turn the streets of Atlanta into their own playground. They engage in games like hide and seek, tag, cops and robbers, and first come, first served. Once again, I had a great time watching. ()

Vatos (2010) (S01E04) 

englanti The weakest episode yet. The frantic action at the end did give it a bit of a boost, but a Hispanic gang running a hospice? Oh, wait, it wasn’t actually a gang, just a group of random survivors from Atlanta who all just happen to speak Spanish as their native language — a coincidence that probably happens once or twice a decade. A bit far-fetched. ()


Wildfire (2010) (S01E05) 

englanti How do you bury your dead friends without them coming back to bite you — literally? This episode gives you a thorough guide. Shane’s character continues to develop intriguingly, the group sheds some dead weight, and they eagerly head towards the promising future at the CDC. I have to admit, though, if Andrea hadn’t pulled that trigger, I would’ve only given this episode three stars at best. ()

TS-19 (2010) (S01E06) 

englanti The finale was a major letdown. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't so predictable. Dr. Jenner's behavior makes it obvious who Test Subject 19 was, and the ending is equally foreseeable. The creators must have known that relying on melodramatic conversations wouldn't create much tension. ()

Season 2 (2011) (S02) 

englanti Season 2 seemed weaker than the first one, but the last two episodes simply blew my mind. The first half of the season wasn’t that exciting, the plot didn't move forward, everything revolved around the search for the missing Sophie, which felt like filler to stretch out the story. The second half saved the situation, but the original six-episode model clearly worked much better. ()

Metsän siimeksessä (2011) (S02E01) 

englanti After the lackluster finale of the first season, this was a pleasant surprise. It gave the makeup artists a chance to shine. There were fewer existential debates that risked turning the series into the next Lost, and more outdoor scenes, which brought plenty of toothy encounters. ()

Verenvuodatus (2011) (S02E02) 

englanti The second episode isn't bad, but it doesn't quite hit the mark like the first one. There's too much talking and not enough action. Whenever characters start rambling about unimportant stuff, it reminds me of Lost. They talked so much in that show that I lost interest after the first season. ()

Ruusu (2011) (S02E04) 

englanti This episode was one of the quieter ones, with the well-cleaning scene adding a bit of excitement, but it still wasn't boring. While the plot stayed put and didn't really move forward, the creators focused more on developing the relationships between the characters and the issues they face. There was plenty to watch and enjoy. ()

Nukke (2011) (S02E05) 

englanti Pretty uneventful. Once again, there was hardly any action, but unlike the previous episode, the developments in the characters' relationships weren't that interesting either. Not even Daryl and the barn could save it. ()

Salaisuuksia (2011) (S02E06) 

englanti Slightly better than the previous episode. However, I have to admit that the plot is starting to fade, leaving behind a sense of stagnation and repetition. 4*- ()

Käytännössä kuollut (2011) (S02E07) 

englanti Finally! We get a gripping episode that breaks free from the repetitive themes. There's plenty of action, and to my immense joy, they finally found Sophia. This means we can leave behind the endless forest searches, which I can get my fill of in other series like my "beloved" The 100. ()

Liipaisinsormi (2012) (S02E09) 

englanti There’s plenty of gripping action, and it's becoming clear that the biggest threat isn't the walkers, but Shane, who’s turning into a complete psychopath. ()

18 mailin jälkeen (2012) (S02E10) 

englanti This was one of the solid episodes. The discussions actually went somewhere, and there was plenty of action. However, the solution to the main problem felt unnecessarily convoluted. A situation that could be solved with a hammer ended up wasting a lot of ammo and precious gasoline without any real results. Maybe I'm just not enough of a humanitarian. ()

Tuomari, valamiehistö ja pyöveli (2012) (S02E11) 

englanti Another solid episode, but it's getting really annoying to hear characters reject solutions without offering anything constructive in return. So, the ending didn't surprise me at all. I'll always remember Jeffrey DeMunn more for his role as Andrei Chikatilo, which felt far more convincing to me. ()

Paremmat (2012) (S02E12) 

englanti Now this is what a solid episode should look like! It kept me on the edge of my seat with non-stop tension and well-executed action. The final twist was a great touch, leaving no room for complaints. ()

Hiipuvan nuotion äärellä (2012) (S02E13) 

englanti The solid storyline and frantic action were complemented by stunningly apocalyptic shots of zombies against a burning barn backdrop. Even Hieronymus Bosch would have been in awe. ()

Season 3 (2012) (S03) 

englanti Season 2 was a bit annoying and boring with long pointless discussions and running around the forest for no obvious reason. In contrast, Season 3 was a pleasant surprise. The plot was much better-paced and there was nothing to slow the story down. The only exception was the unfortunate twelfth episode which was absolutely inconsequential to the plot. I appreciate that the creators are not afraid to sacrifice some of the important characters. It makes the story so much more convincing. ()

Siemen (2012) (S03E01) 

englanti This one really packs a punch. The plot keeps moving, with non-stop action that ensures viewers never feel like it's just filler. The atmosphere is bleak and the tension is palpable, leaving no room for your mind to wander. ()