
VERIHANAT KAAKKOON! Ja upota hampaasi hysteerisen hauskan parodian - VAMPYYRIEN IMUSSA pidennettyyn, entistäkin räävittövämpään ja veret seisauttavampaan BITE ME -versioon! Becca, angstinen teini uudessa koulussa päätyy keskelle kahden yliluonnollisen kosijan soidintanssia – toinen heistä oikukas vampyyri ja toinen käsittämättömän karvainen ihmissusi. (SF Film Fin.)


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Arvostelut (3)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I'm not a fan of parody, but my curiosity got the better of me... I adore Twilight and know it perfectly, so some scenes entertained me quite a bit. I have to admit that the leads were good, some of the supporting characters quite good as well. Still, I would have cut a lot of the awkward scenes. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Werewolf humor, The Black Eyed Peas, and ordering Chinese food is fine, but unfortunately that's where it ends. Surprisingly, the problem with the vampire parody is not that it is so disgusting or terrible, but rather that it's just boring. Fortunately, the running time barely sticks it out long enough to be suitable for a feature film, and all bathroom humor has been practically eradicated. The second star landed only for its relative harmlessness, because the feeling that this script was written in the afternoon and that it is much easier to take shots at Twilight remains too prominent. ()


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