Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Rikospoliisi pääsee ekoterroristien jäljille, mutta sitten juttu saa yllättävän käänteen. Martin jatkaa siedätyshoitoaan vankilassa. Entä kannattaako Sagan ottaa vastaan ihmissuhdeneuvoja juuri häneltä? (YLE)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti The third episode brought some intriguing developments to the story, sprinkled with occasional hints of action. The creators, true to form, enhanced the narrative with their trademark quality and a persistently gloomy atmosphere. The plot of this episode once again revealed that the owls are not what they seem, and it seems that the Northerners still have a few surprises up their sleeves. However, the introduction of new supporting characters, about whom I haven't gleaned much yet, slightly dampened the overall impression. While it's apparent they'll play a crucial role in the plot later on, for now, they seem to be slowing down the pace. / Lesson learned: An active idiot is worse than a class enemy. This will probably always hold true everywhere. ()