Vieras talossa

Traileri 1


16-vuotias koulupoika ujuttautuu luokkatoverinsa kotiin ja ryhtyy kirjoittamaan aiheesta esseitä äidinkielen opettajalleen. Opettaja häkeltyy lahjakkaan ja erikoisen oppilaansa toimista, mutta saa siitä samalla innoitusta työhönsä. Pojan teot eivät kuitenkaan jää ilman seuraamuksia... (Cinema Mondo)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Successful French drama about a French language teacher, who is introduced into his average world by a boy from an evidently broken family environment, who can damn well write captivatingly. And that, even though he is only 14 years old. But then the story begins to unfold differently than the average viewer would expect, and so a series of interesting scenes start to happen on stage, with which the viewer may not always completely agree, but still keeps them interested until the very end. Within the framework of a classic human story and the meeting of two different people, the film finale then enters, which is incredibly interesting, almost dream-like on the contrary. Personally, the film compelled me to think about it in the upcoming evening moments. And that's what I like. ()