Suoratoistopalvelut (3)


Steve Butler (Matt Damon) on onnistunut ponnistamaan köyhästä pikkukaupungista energiayrityksen menestyneeksi myyntimieheksi. Hänen seuraavana tehtävänään on lähteä työparinsa Suen (Frances McDormand) kanssa pieneen McKinleyn maalaiskaupunkiin, josta on vastikään löydetty arvokasta maakaasua. Hyödyntäen omaa taustaansa vastaavanlaisen pikkukaupungin poikana, Steve alkaa neuvotella paikallisten kanssa heidän maidensa myymisestä suuryritykselle.
Ajatus yllättävien rikkauksien päällä istumisesta tuntuu lamasta toipuvassa pikkukaupungissa aluksi siunaukselta. Hankaluuksia aiheuttavat kuitenkin sekä kylän arvostetun tiedeopettajan (Hal Holbrook) että suulaan ympäristöaktivistin (John Krasinski) äänekkäät vastalauseet, jotka osoittavat, kuinka pienikin kyläyhteisö voi halutessaan kääntää pyöriä isoissa rattaissa. Steven puolueettomuuteen vaikuttaa myös kiintyminen paikalliseen opettajaan Aliceen (Rosemarie DeWitt). (Atlantic Film Fin.)


Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti "How many wells you got up there in Manhattan? Or Pittsburgh?" asks the disgusted inhabitant of a rural backwater to the business representative of a mining company who is urging the sale of land for the controversial method of gas extraction known as fracking. The problem lies in the fact that Promised Land is filmed through the lens of the residents of better neighborhoods in American cities, who do not have to deal with the problems of the less successful layers of American society and therefore do not have to accept painful compromises and capitulations. The tone of the film is openly influenced by the activist mindset of Matt Damon, which is particularly evident in the film's conclusion. Setting aside the attempt at an ethical message, what remains is a decently made, slightly above-average drama with an interesting screenwriting trick, but that alone does not secure a fourth star for the film. The film does not lack craftsmanship, but what it lacks a little is the courage to be more confrontational and darker. Overall impression: 60%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Gus Van Sant is not exactly a director that I would actively seek out or adore, but I have to say that his films "Milk" or "Restless" really appealed to me. And that's just speaking about his recent films. However, it is true that I still have gaps in my knowledge of his work, so I will have to wait to make a judgment in relation to his other films. What pleased me at first glance was the collaboration with Matt Damon again, both as an actor in the lead role and as a screenwriter. This collaboration worked out once before - "Good Will Hunting" - so it could be expected that if this film won't be an Oscar-winning one, it will at least be an interesting film, at worst acceptable. More: ()