Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Elokuva on tositapahtumiin perustuva rakkaustarina perheestä, ystävyydestä ja julkisuuden piinasta. Oscar(R)-nomineerattu Naomi Watts esittää Walesin prinsessaa, joka rakastuneena ja onnellisena löytää omat vahvuutensa ja kehittyy todelliseksi kansainvälisen humanitaarisen avun ammattilaiseksi. Kun toukokuussa 1997 Walesin prinsessa Diana matkusti Pakistaniin tavatakseen rakastettunsa, pakistanilaisen sydänkirurgi Hasnat Khanin (Naveen Andrews), perheen, yksi maailman tunnetuimmista ja kauneimmista naisista toivoi saavansa rakastamansa miehen äidin hyväksynnän. Jos prinsessa Diana olisi tässä onnistunut, olisivat loppukesän tapahtumat voineet olla hyvin erilaiset... (SF Film Fin.)


Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Many films were made on the theme of Princess Diana's life during her lifetime. I don't remember any of them being good. But so be it, the tabloids needed to be illustrated in some way. This new biopic isn't any better either - it just fits in the storyline of those new trends where it tells, for example, about one week in the life of Monroe. Grace was still relatively stable, but Diana was not. Why waste her name on a romance about a divorced Christian woman and a Pakistani surgeon whose mother didn't give him her blessing? ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Who wanted to prove what with this film? Someone realized that people are starting to forget about Diana, so it is necessary to make a movie about how she was actually a crazy in love girl who turned into a hunter and used paparazzi to make her chosen one jealous? Incredibly pitiful attempt at an art film, achieved through nonsensical camera movements, as well as 50% unnecessary scenes. As if Oliver Hirschbiegel had been watching Terrence Malick's recent films for a long time and realized that there is no other way to shoot than slowly and meaninglessly. And because I like Naomi, her terrible accent and lifeless acting really didn't touch me. Oh well... ()