
Lähitulevaisuudessa uupunut Logan huolehtii sairaalloisesta professori X:stä piilopaikassa Meksikon rajalla. Mutta Loganin yritykset piiloutua maailmalta ja menneisyydeltään murskaantuvat, kun nuori mutantti saapuu uhkaavien joukkojen jahtaamana. (SF Studios Fin.)

Arvostelut (21)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti My first impressions after leaving the cinema were full of euphoria mixed with strong emotion and perhaps even sadness. Now, with some hindsight, I must say that whenever I remember Logan, those powerful emotions are still there. It's been quite a while since I last got to see such a gem of a movie. A perfect mixture of concentrated drama, action, sci-fi and western in the best comic book movie since the Dark Knight, accompanied by an absolutely brilliant soundtrack and great actors. Hugh Jackman is acting as if his life literally depended on it. In those 17 years between the first X-Men and Logan, he went on from being a lesser-known Australian to become a versatile actor and a living legend. I know I say this about practically every X-Men movie, but Jackman was simply born for the role of Wolverine, so I’m all the more sorry that this is his farewell to the role, but a well-deserved and perfectly timed one at that. Finally, where this movie really struck gold was with the absolutely awesome Dafne Keen whose every scene brings the movie closer and closer to perfection. ()