A Masque of Madness (Notes on Film 06-B, Monologue 02)

Itävalta, 2013, 80 min


Norbert Pfaffenbichler


Boris Karloff (a.o.)


The latest entry in the writer-director series Notes on Film follows the career of Boris Karloff, the iconic actor who worked with Douglas Sirk and Peter Bogdanovich, but who also appeared in second-rate TV shows. Pfaffenbichler ignores distinctions between high and low art, drawing Karloff's movies into thematically related yet entirely unexpected interactions that, in the final result, interpret film history more innovatively than period encyclopedias. The actor's career is more than simply the story of an individual, it also documents technological development and the changing approach to various topics and taboos. The picture makes no attempt to provide an exhaustive exegesis of the artist's work, instead highlighting points of commonality as it jumps haphazardly through time. On another level it adopts a loving stance toward film itself, a medium capable of synthesizing the lofty and the macabre. The director concisely refers to his ingenious compilation movie as an "homage to a great actor and also a weird film history lesson." (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)
