
Mikko Virtanen, 37, tuntee itsensä ruotsalaiseksi mieheksi, joka on pakotettu suomalaisen miehen ruumiiseen. Kuin vastauksensa rukouksiinsa Mikko kohtaa ruotsalaisen Mikael Anderssonin, joka on valmis luovuttamaan henkilöllisyytensä Mikolle. Mikko matkustaa kohti paratiisinomaista Tukholmaa uuden, unelmiensa identiteetin turvin. Hänestä on tullut ruotsalainen psykologi Mikael Andersson, joka on viettänyt huolettomia lapsuuspäiviä idyllisellä Käringöllä ja jonka äitiä Gretaa hoidetaan tukholmalaisessa vanhainkodissa. Mutkia matkaan aiheuttaa ainoastaan Mikaelin sisko Maria, 33, josta Mikko ei tiennyt mitään. (Nordisk Film Fin.)


Arvostelut (1)



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englanti Half a year in Finland is going to bring out certain feelings and opinions on the said country, which can be positive, but also negative. And since the Finns are a very particular nation and I found out that a movie like this one exists, I thought it could be quite a bit of fun. There are many insinuations between the Swedes and the Finns and so I was curious to see how the creators approached it. After watching, I felt as if it was very obvious from the movie that it was done mainly by the Swedes. In fact, there wasn’t anything offensive, rough, or brutal about it. The Swedes are obviously an overly friendly nation with considerable social habits (the mess with the immigrants is clear proof of that). Furthermore, Jonas Karlsson is an actor to whose acting I had to get used. Or to his decently wacky character. Even the story was quite wacky. But it is salvaged by an incredibly positive atmosphere and Josephine Bornebusch with godly eyes. I believe that the Finns would lean into their colleagues with more grace and in a lot more improper way, which I kind of wanted. But in the end, I got a very pleasant Swedish comedy that cannot offend anyone with such a theme. And it is also fine. ()