Whose City?

  • Saksa Wessen Stadt? - 25 Jahre Kampf um Berlins Stadtarchitektur (lisää)


Whose City? is a documentary about Berlin’s transformation. Rather neglected, yet very dynamic and flexible city of the nineties changes into an elegant and exklusive metropolis. Simultaneously, the film represents a meditative journey across Berlin from the Postupim Square in the Western area to the Alexanderplatz in the East, from the conservative, dominant and masculine approach towards urban planning at the beginning of the 90’s to the current more open attitude led by women. Arguments and views characteristic of Berlin planning in the nineties has been continuously uncovered and so several different questions worth considering appears on the surface: Should Berlin be the city for all? Despite the film’s final outcome sounds rather optimistic, the question whether Berlin can really overcome all of the old and new differences remains open. (Film a Architektura)
