
Menestysromaaniin perustuva The Shack vie meidät isän kiehtovalle henkiselle matkalle. Perhetragediasta selviytynyt Mack Phillips vajoaa syvään masennukseen ja alkaa epäillä vakaimpia uskomuksiaan. Kesken uskonkriisin hän saa salaperäisen kirjeen, joka johdattaa hänet hylättyyn majaan kaukana erämaassa. Majalla hän tapaa kolme ventovierasta ihmistä, joita johtaa nainen. Tämän kohtaamisen kautta Mack löytää tärkeitä totuuksia, jotka mullistavat hänen käsityksensä kokemastaan tragediasta ja muuttavat hänen elämänsä lopullisesti. (Nordisk Film Fin.)


Videot (5)

Traileri 3

Arvostelut (3)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I was enraged when I finished watching but I managed to get over myself and gave the film one star after adding up all the good moments this poetic piece had to offer. I felt angry for wasting two hours and twelve minutes of my life that could have been used in a much more useful way by just blankly staring at a wall the whole time. Well, I have only myself to blame. It was obvious that this was going to be a movie for typical American religious fanatics and hypocrites right from the start. The story about an Indian princess (WTF?) was a massive red flag. The creators acted like they were presenting some kind of a deeper message to the viewer, but it was basically just Christian propaganda. The only thing that made me laugh was when I remembered the joke about little Jesus furiously jumping on the surface of the lake, screaming, "I wanna go in the water! I wanna go in the water!" ()

kaylin BOO!

kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I'm sorry, but just because there are interesting actors in it doesn't mean that I will enjoy the movie when it has a clearly Christian-propagandistic theme. If you believe in God - but be careful, only the Christian one - everything will be alright. It won't be! It's better to forget about it and avoid the movie. ()

Kuvagalleria (29)