Howards End

TV spotti



E. M. Forsterin vuonna 1910 julkaistun romaanin uusi draamatulkinta kuvaa tuoreesti luokkayhteiskunnan tilaa ja sen hidasta muutosta 1900-luvun alun Englannissa. Neliosainen Talo jalavan varjossa -sarja kertoo kolmen hyvin erilaisista taustoista ponnistavan perheen vaiheista hetkellä, jolloin niiden elämäntarinat risteävät sattuman kautta. Lakkaisiko brittiyhteiskunta joskus luokittelemasta kansalaisiaan poteroihin syntyperän perusteella? (YLE)


Käyttäjän Necrotongue tähän sarjaan liittyvät arvostelut (5)

Talo jalavan varjossa (2017) 

englanti Here’s the thing - I originally thought the series would be about something completely different. My bad, I should have read the synopsis. I was entertained by the story at times but also slightly bored at other times. What I would highlight is definitely the interesting cast, but otherwise it was nothing special. ()

Kohtaamisia (2017) (E01) 

englanti I was expecting a slow, leisurely-paced story set in the English countryside, and I got half of that (the slow pace). There's not much to say about the plot after the first episode, but the cast really impressed me. DI Edmund Reid and Peggy Carter were great, but the real standout was Tracey Ullman! ()

Naapureiden kesken (2017) (E02) 

englanti The second episode convinced me that something is missing from the story. I love the era and setting, but I just can't fully get into the plot. Maybe it's because I'm oddly obsessed with idealized films and series set in English country estates, and the title of this show was a bit misleading. ()

Kohtalon kolhuja (2017) (E03) 

englanti Alright, the third episode brought some life to the plot, and the storyline got interesting. However, I still feel shortchanged by the lack of the expected "upstairs, downstairs" dynamic. I'm curious to see how the creators will wrap things up, and I think four episodes is just the right length. ()


Kasvukipuja (2017) (E04) 

englanti The finale didn't really hit the mark for me. The plot dragged along, which I wouldn't mind so much if the creators hadn't suddenly rushed to wrap up all the storylines in the last ten minutes. It's a shame they didn't end the series with Meg announcing her move to Munich — if they had, I would've given it an extra star. ()