The Last Panthers




Uuden vuosituhannen alussa Lontoosta Liechtensteiniin tapahtui uskaliaita jalokivivarkauksia, joiden takana oli Vaaleanpunaiset pantterit -rikollisjengi. Heidät tunnettiin rohkeista, kirkkaassa päivänvalossa suoritetuista ryöstöistä ja leffatyyliin poistumisista. Vuosikymmenen kestäneen jalokiviryöstöputken jälkeen jengi yhtäkkiä katosi. Sitten Etelä-Ranskassa tapahtuu keikka, jolla on kaikki Pantterien tunnusmerkit. Timanteista alkanut ryöstely johtaa aseisiin, huumeisiin, rahamaailmaan, EU:n valtarakenteisiin ja Lontoon Cityyn sekä Euroopan rikollismaailman sameisiin vesiin. Uuden sukupolven rikolliset, Banksterit, astuvat esiin. (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Theft of diamonds of almost incalculable value, which have the only flaw. They are not for sale. And for this series, MacGuffin's entry point is to get bogged down in the European underworld of organized crime, from Marseille, Hungarian slums to a Serbian gang with ambitions. A film set, raw and uncompromising plot, absolutely non-black-and-white in terms of characters, magnificently played (no wonder with such a great cast), acting in many ways quite realistically and with only one major snag. It tries to be fatal through flashbacks, which connect the live stories of individual characters. And while the short ones fulfill their purpose, the one from the fifth episode, which steals almost all the footage, does not. It is not bad but wasting an entire episode on something that doesn't say much new about the characters in a six-part miniseries will definitely let you down. Moreover, it doesn't even work as the imaginary silence before the storm in the form of the final episode. In any case, it is excellent (not only) criminal à la rough genre of the French school of the 1970s. ()