Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Not your address, but if you're an American, it is your house. It's the White House, home of the President and site of state dinners and world-shaping decisions. But what if it's also the site of a hushed-up murder in a room just steps away from the Oval Office?
Who did it-and why? That's what homicide cop Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes) wants to know. And what you'll discover as Murder at 1600 sweeps you into an exciting mystery thrill-packed with suspects, cover-ups, covert agents, daring action sequences and an overseas crisis that could blow at any instant. It's up to Regis to sort through the clues and make sure the killer doesn't get sway. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Wesley Snipes surprisingly stepped away from his typically action-packed roles, and his detective from the murder department, facing eviction, was a refreshing change. If we overlook some unnecessary flashy escapades (the opening scene with a madman, the ending with the president), it is a solidly written and directed crime film, with a decently complicated screenplay, with just the right amount of action, which is, by the way, excellently filmed. There are some logical flaws and script deficiencies that disappoint, but not so many. Another relatively routine and average crime film, but it is definitely not a bad choice to kill two hours. ()