
Hung Tzu-Hsuan makes a daring feature debut with his gangster thriller The Scoundrels. Centering on Ray (JC Lin), an ex-basketball player who left the game disgraced for fighting and now finds himself under the thumb of gangster kingpin Freddie. Barely scraping by, Ray works as a low level grunt in a stolen car ring while trying to prove to his girlfriend that he's moved beyond his scoundrel-like ways. Enter the Raincoat Robber (Wu Kang Ren) an infamous bank robber who has so far eluded the police. When Ray's path serendipitously crosses with the Raincoat Robber, they join as reluctant partners in a mutually desperate situation. As things spiral out of control with Ray on a collision course with both the police and his disgruntled boss, the plot keeps you guessing and the fists keep flying. A mano-a-mano masterpiece, The Scoundrels delivers high-octane neo-noir action with little pretext. (Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival)



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