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A gloomy old man Klim lives all alone and keeps himself to himself. Nobody knows what he does for a living, and his neighbours are suddenly in fear of him when they discover that he used to be a police officer. One day Klim's old friend from the police force, Ivan, who lives in another city, invites him to stay for a few days. Klim accepts the invitation, but when his battered old car refuses to start, he decides to take the overnight train instead. Klim arrives at Ivan's house the next morning, but it is too late. Ivan has been found dead. Reeling from the shock of his friend's death, Klim decides to turn policeman again and start his own investigation. After contacting some of his old 'clients' – former criminal bosses, who are now so-called 'respectable citizens' - Klim discovers that his friend, had been on the trail of a killer. Working with him was a young policewoman, Anna, who now offers to help Klim continue the hunt. When Klim and Anna eventually succeed in catching the killer, each of them feels a desperate urge to take vengeance – but for very different and personal reasons. Suddenly the pair find themselves confronting each other in an emotional battle of conscience. (Star Media)
