
Liikemies ja sisäpiirijulkkis Markus Føns joutuu tutkintavankeuteen talouspetoksista, mutta tultuaan pahoinpidellyksi hän anoo pääsyä eristykseen heikompien vankien joukkoon. Eristyksessä toimii oma hierarkiansa Nielsin, vankilakuoron itseoikeutetun vetäjän, johdolla. Markus oivaltaa pian, että tie helpompaan elämään eristyksessä käy kuoron kautta, mutta Niels ei ole valmis jakamaan asemaansa. (SF Studios Fin.)


Arvostelut (3)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This is a gritty, hyper-black, well-directed and unfortunately also a bit unfinished dramedy about the clash between an amoral opportunist and sick people. In a way, it follows in the tradition of Anders Thomas Jensen's borderline ethical works, but without trying to over-humanize. Sympathy, ironically. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A dominant alpha male accustomed to controlling and having both a formal and informal influence on things faces a situation that life did not prepare him for. His financial operations resulted in too much loss of money for a too large group of trusting individuals for him to remain free. A detention facility is not a friendly place to live, especially when one of the powerful underworld bosses ranks among those licking their wounds from a failed investment. Will he be able to adapt to the new situation and take advantage of the chance to start over and do better, or will old habits prevail? It's a decent concept and the strong cast of actors cannot hide the fact that the script wanted to play a little longer and Aspöck's direction is not particularly amazing. In the end, my overall impression is a respectable 65%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I really enjoyed this prison environment drama, laced with cynical humor. The story of investment banker Markus touches on very topical issues of our time, with the protagonist able to manipulate the audience as ruthlessly as he manipulates his fellow inmates and gullible guards to achieve his own selfish ends. It is a graphic demonstration of how easily we are fooled. (80%) ()