
Traileri 1



Skotlantiin sijoittuva 4-osainen jännityssarja, joka heittää ilmaan raastavan kysymyksen: kun rikos on tapahtunut, kuka on todellinen uhri ja kuka pahantekijä? Kuinka äiti voi selvitä siitä, että oma lapsi on surmattu? Anna Dean on menettänyt pienen poikansa. Naapurustoon on hiljattain muuttanut perheellinen mies, jolla on hirvittävä salaisuus. Anna on varma siitä, että juuri tuo mies on hänen lapsensa murhaaja, eikä hän kaihda keinoja osoittaakseen olevansa oikeassa. Onko kenelläkään missään olosuhteissa oikeutta kostaa toiselle ihmiselle tämän pahoja tekoja? (YLE)


Käyttäjän Necrotongue tähän sarjaan liittyvät arvostelut (5)

Uhri (2019) 

englanti This miniseries went straight to my favorites. Not only did the filmmakers offer me a trip to Scotland, but they also crafted a great story of guilt, punishment, remorse and thirst for revenge. They chose a perfect cast for it, added fantastic atmosphere, made sure the story was really fast-paced, and then unleashed it all on my unsuspecting self, totally blowing my mind. The ending was perfect. ()

Osat vaihtuvat (2019) (E01) 

englanti Normally, I tend to give a neutral, three-star rating to the first episodes, but The Victim managed to defy my expectations. The brooding atmosphere of the island, the uncertainty of who was telling the truth, the captivating cast, and the intriguing plot all grabbed my attention. And let's not forget the added charm of the actors speaking in Scottish accents. ()

Valehtelijan ääni (2019) (E02) 

englanti I just had to give this episode five stars for the sheer brilliance behind every frame. The creators had me absolutely gripped from the get-go, and they managed to hold onto that grip right until the very end. ()

Viattoman ääni (2019) (E03) 

englanti In the third episode, the creators didn't quite ramp up the tension like in the previous two. The forays into family matters felt justified, but they also seemed to disrupt the otherwise excellent atmosphere they had established. Still, it was a solid episode overall. It's just that the creators have already proven they can do even better. ()


Lopullinen totuus? (2019) (E04) 

englanti Well, that was quite the experience. I've seen my fair share, but the series finale cut through my cynical facade like a hot knife through butter. ()