
Summon your courage, unleash your imagination and prepare for an adventure beyond your wildest dreams. Featuring incredible special effects, thrilling martial-arts action and nonstop adventure, Warriors of Virtue is a dazzling film and "excellent family entertainment" (Paul Wunder, WBAI)! The journey begins when young Ryan (Mario Yedidia), a typical teen, is swept into very unusual circumstances. After an innocent dare goes wrong, Ryan is magically transported to Tao, a beautiful fantasy land whose sole lifespring is defended by the brave, kangaroo-like, kung fu-fighting Warriors of Virtue. But the Warriors may have met their match in an evil warlord named Komodo (Angus MacFadyen) who wants Tao's lifespring for his very own. Can the Warriors stop him before Tao is lost forever? Only if Ryan can find the power within himself to put an end to all the evil. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



The Matrix Symphony

The Matrix Symphony

Julkaisija: MovieScore Media

Vuosi: 2019

Maa: Ruotsi

Muoto: digital

Pituus: 49:57

Muistiinpanot: New live recording conducted by Don Davis.
Tenerife, 2007.

1. The Matrix Symphony: 1. The Matrix Don Davis 09:39
2. The Matrix Symphony: 2. The Matrix Reloaded Don Davis 08:25
3. The Matrix Symphony: 3. The Matrix Revolutions Don Davis 08:24
4. Neodämmerung (From "The Matrix Revolutions") Don Davis 06:51
5. Suite From "Warriors Of Virtue" Don Davis 16:38
Warriors of Virtue

Warriors of Virtue

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Julkaisija: BSX Records

Vuosi: 2014

Maa: Yhdysvallat

Pituus: 01:10:59

1. Main Title Don Davis 01:22
2. Bootleg Left Don Davis 02:32
3. Ryan And The Tunnel Of Temptation Don Davis 03:34
4. The Vortex And The Dare Don Davis 04:17
5. The Wonder Of Tao Don Davis 02:12
6. The Force Of Yun Don Davis 02:20
7. Mudlap Rap / Elysa's Entrance Don Davis 01:02
8. The Lifespring Rhapsody Don Davis 03:58
9. Forces Of Nature Don Davis 04:31
10. Challenge Of Yun / The Force Of Water Don Davis 03:13
11. Rooz Reunited Don Davis 02:02
12. Theme Of Tao / The Komodo Dragontrot Don Davis 03:49
13. Encounter Of The Roo Kind Don Davis 01:37
14. Komodo's Seduction Don Davis 01:46
15. The Mudlap Trap Don Davis 02:32
16. Chained Melody Don Davis 05:03
17. Tunnel Of Blades Don Davis 02:24
18. Lesson Of Inner Strength Don Davis 02:04
19. Death Of Chung Don Davis 02:53
20. Komodo's Fury And Elysia's Redemption Don Davis 01:52
21. Farewell To Chung / Mudlap's Remorse Don Davis 02:31
22. Marsupial Arabesque Don Davis 05:01
23. Planet Of The Roo-Warriors Don Davis 05:24
24. Ryan's Strengths Don Davis 03:00
Warriors of Virtue

Warriors of Virtue

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Julkaisija: Prometheus

Vuosi: 1997

Maa: Belgia

Pituus: 01:10:57

1. Main Title Don Davis 01:22
2. Bootleg Left Don Davis 02:31
3. Ryan And The Tunnel Of Temptation Don Davis 03:34
4. The Vortez And The Dare Don Davis 04:17
5. The Wonder Of Tao Don Davis 02:08
6. The Force Of Yun Don Davis 02:19
7. Mudlap Rap / Elysia's Entrance Don Davis 01:01
8. The Lifespring Rhapsody Don Davis 03:58
9. Forces Of Nature Don Davis 04:33
10. Challenge Of Yun / The Force Of Water Don Davis 03:15
11. Rooz Reunited Don Davis 02:02
12. Theme Of Tao / The Komodo Dragontrot Don Davis 03:48
13. Encounter Of The Roo Kind Don Davis 01:39
14. Komodo's Seduction Don Davis 01:44
15. The Mudlap Trap Don Davis 02:32
16. Chained Melody Don Davis 05:03
17. Tunnel Of Blades Don Davis 02:24
18. Lesson Of Inner Strength Don Davis 02:04
19. Death Of Chung Don Davis 02:53
20. Komodo's Fury And Elysia's Redemption Don Davis 01:52
21. Farewell To Chung / Mudlap's Remorse Don Davis 02:31
22. Marsupial Arabesque Don Davis 05:01
23. Planet Of The Roo-Warriors Don Davis 05:24
24. Ryan's Strengths Don Davis 03:02