Suoratoistopalvelut (1)



Nuori ohjelmistoinsinööri Lily Chan tutkii työnantajansa Piilaaksossa sijaitsevassa teknologiayhtiössä toimivaa salaista kehitysyksikköä, jonka hän epäilee olevan vastuussa poikaystävänsä murhasta. (HBO Nordic)

Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I was really looking forward to it because of Alex Garland, but in the end it’s nothing but pretentious nonsense with terrible casting! In the first episode, DEVS manages to hook you up, and several of the following episodes manage rather successfully to keep the illusion that something will happen and that the series is about something. But bollocks. The “young software engineer Lily Chan” advertised in the HBO text above is probably the least interesting protagonist of a series ever, and the script that pushes her into the role of an exceptional woman who (maybe) is able to alter history on her own is incredibly bizarre and ridiculous, as it has no basis on her real actions. The same applies to almost everything in the series. It looks like something almost divine, but it’s absolutely empty! ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An elegant explanation of the theory of quantum prediction under Garland’s balanced and imaginative direction. The classic plot about a murderous tech corporation concerns nothing less than everything and offers a new perspective on ideas previously developed in other sci-fi movies. The package presented here has great visuals and chilling music by Salisbury that transforms some sequences into thoroughbred horror. The romantic storyline is a bit dumb (stiff dialog), although that could be explained by the emotional stupidity and blindness of the people involved. The best series so far in 2020. It’s not a V, it’s a U. It’s an in-joke. ()