The Marvels

Traileri 22


Marvel Studiosin elokuvassa The Marvels Carol Danvers eli Captain Marvel on napannut identiteettinsä takaisin tyrannisen krii-rodun hallusta ja saanut kostonsa Supreme Intelligencelle. Huomaamattaan hän tulee kuitenkin järkyttäneeksi universumin tasapainoa ja saa kantaa sen seuraukset. Tutkiessaan poikkeuksellista madonreikää, jolla on yhteys erääseen krii-kapinalliseen, hänen sekä Jersey Cityn superfanin Kamala Khanin eli Ms. Marvelin sekä Carolin etääntyneen sukulaistytön ja nykyisin SABER-astronauttina toimivan kapteeni Monica Rambeaun voimat sotkeutuvat keskenään. Tämän kohtalon yhteen heittämän kolmikon on muodostettava tiimi ja opittava puhaltamaan yhteen hiileen pelastaakseen universumin ryhmänä nimeltä “The Marvels”. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


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Traileri 22

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kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

suomi Värikästä ja tylsää. Disney sylkee vuosittain yli puolen tusinaa lähes samanlaisia marveleita, jotka ovat toistensa kopioita ja muistuttavat kaavamaisuudessaan Power Rangerseja. Elokuvan ideaakin on ihan mahdotonta muistaa jälkeenpäin. Tämä on tuottaa hankaluuksia Marvelin maailmassa, jossa kaikki kietoutuu yhteen. Tämänkin elokuvan alussa on kasapäin viittauksia aiempiin, ja putosin kärryiltä, vaikka leffat olenkin nähnyt. Toimintakohtaukset ja CGI hyvin tehtyjä, mutta mitä iloa siitä on, jos ne on siroteltu täyteen melodramaattisia höpinöitä kaiken maailman mukasyvällisistä teemoista. Onko siinä riittävästi syytä nähdä leffa valkokankaalla? Yhtä huolella tehtyjä ja huomattavasti hauskempia/viihdyttävämpiä elokuvia ovat leffateatterit nykyään pullollaan… Ainoa oikeasti hyvä puoli on kai The Marvelsin pituus ja se, etten ehtinyt tylsistyä leffassa niin pitkään kuin yleensä tätä nykyä. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Better than Quantumania and I do believe Nia DaCosta is a talented director. The problem is that she said she wanted to make a film that her young daughter would enjoy watching. And that's it. The target audience for this mess is somewhere between the ages of five and early adolescence, and the rest of us are probably going to have a hard time digesting this over-the-top girl-power manifesto, and with a female villain who is the biggest casting blunder in the entire Marvel franchise. Yes, it's got one funny idea (the scene to the music of A.L. Webber), but watching the rest of it is only entertaining in its reassurance of how Marvel is in a downhill and doesn't know which way to go. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I am terribly sorry that genre viewer fatigue, fandom toxicity (who says there isn't any here, let them browse any discussion forum), and unfortunate timing collided here of all places. Of course, I can respect the fact that many people get lost in the universe and that this is the intersection that demonstrates most clearly that escaping from such a labyrinth is not easy. It's not just about connecting two film series; here you have to immediately check out multiple TV series, where Ms. Marvel and WandaVision are an absolute must if the experience is going to make any sense. Also refresh your memory/rewatch Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame, arrange an approximate timeline, remember all the features that this shuffled universe includes, will include, or could include. It's an endless task; and just because I enjoy it, it doesn't mean everyone else does too, and honestly, going to the cinema to unwind yet not being able to relax completely is a completely understandable objection. Unfortunately, I feel that the audience here has refused even to meet the film halfway, and of course that will inevitably harm the result. And when they're down, why not kick them again. Marvels shines with unparalleled light for me. I don't know exactly how they did it, because the script is a bit messy in terms of genre, connecting the main Marvels with Monica could have ended up as a forced digression, but just the opposite. The power of friendship, that ordinary driving force of many adventure blockbusters, is in first place here, with a classic smaller team in second, and fighting an understandable villain in strange new worlds in third. It recalls classic adventure movies, where there is humor, likable actors, beautiful actresses, and super heroes the viewer wants to see over and over again. All of that is here, on a silver platter. Don't let this feast disgust you, one day we will miss it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti On paper, it meets the quota. A girly Marvel movie with an unlikeable and downright repulsive villain packed with visual effects. There's no shortage of environmental overtones, even saving the sun at the end. The script connects series characters, but simply to somehow link them to what's happening on the silver screen. The biggest WTF is the Planet of the Songs, which is probably the thing my four-year-old daughter will like best. The secret invasion doesn't make sense after that (I guess it took place in another reality), and the cats save the day. Somehow. Pretty pointless episode defying physics, logic, but it goes by pretty quickly. Zawe Ashton is disgusting. Brie Larson is awfully nice, especially in a sports bra. Too bad she's not getting better scripts. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A below-average and obviously mismanaged Marvel film, which impresses with unexpectedly decent action scenes and some chemistry between the central trio. Apart from that, it can only offer a not very interesting story, boring visuals and really very poor attempts to work with the characters and their psychology. And some really really idiotic ideas. It's not a complete blunder like, say, the latest Thor, but it's not a good movie either. ()

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