
Little Fish, the fourth feature film from director Chad Hartigan, is a romance set in a near-future Seattle teetering on the brink of calamity. Starring Olivia Cooke, Jack O'Connell, Soko and Raul Castillo, the film opens in the midst of a global epidemic: Neuroinflammatory Affliction, a severe and rapid Alzheimer's-like condition in which people's memories disappear. Couple Jude Williams and Emma Ryerson are grappling with the realities of NIA, interspersed with glimpses from the past as the two meet and their relationship blooms. But as NIA's grip on society tightens, blurring the lines between the past and the present, it becomes more and more difficult to know what's true and what's false. (Cinemax)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A painful, small indie film about a likeable couple affected by a pandemic that makes people lose their memories; something like Alzheimer, but also hitting young people. It’s a very well made thing, whose strongest cards are the poignant script and the superb actors. It’s impossible not to think about the melodrama A Moment to Remember, which some time ago broke me even more. This one is not as fierce and aggressive as the Korean “competitor” when it comes to arousing emotions, but I still felt touched in the end. ()