Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Kovaonninen koripallon kykyjenetsijä löytää potentiaalisen supertähden Espanjasta ja päättää näyttää, että heillä molemmilla on rahkeita NBA-menestykseen. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Loved it. Adam Sandler has matured and as most actors stagnate in their old age (Willis and co), he is having a decent acting heyday. I like these zero to hero motivational sports stories, so far none have outright pissed me off, and since they really only come around once a year I appreciate the present qualities enough. The storyline isn't surprising, but that doesn't matter at all. The film has heart, drive, decent dialogue, a charismatic cast, emotion, tension, power, energy, motivation, humour, great music and thrilling matches (especially with the central rival, he was a proper son of a bitch)There are few wisecracks that will stick in my memory, and overall it is a very enjoyable film (basketball fans will be ready for one more star). 8/10. ()