Hard Target

  • Yhdysvallat Hard Target


A young woman searching for her missing and homeless father in a seamy section of New Orleans is saved by a martial arts fighter, sometime merchant seaman, when a gang of thugs try to rob her. She hires the man to help track down the lost parent, and they both end up being the targets for a vicious gang of "human" hunters. Chance Boudreaux, a brawny merchant sailor who has come up on hard times saves doe-eyed Natasha Binder from a gang of thugs and she offers him a proposition; she'll pay him well if he'll help find her missing father in New Orleans. But her father may already have been killed by wealthy thrill-seeking businessmen who have made a sport of hunting forgotten, homeless, veterans, and if Chance and Natasha discover this deadly scheme, they just might, be the next victims. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



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DJ Rocco iNc Muut
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