Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Wednesday joutuu pulaan rehtori Weemsin kanssa, mutta se on vasta hänen ongelmiensa alku. Hän tarvitsee kaikkien ystäviensä apua muinaista pahuutta vastaan. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti Oh well. As expected, nothing was surprising about the first season's finale. What I started suspecting in the second episode proved right, so the only thing that could save me from complete disappointment would have been a perfectly handled confrontation with evil. However, that did not happen for several reasons. The local Voldemort was a pitiful and uninteresting figure, the CGI wasn't very impressive, the sudden loss of the main heroine's abilities was a typical contrivance of incompetent screenwriters (yes, I have seen this many times before), the gods popped out of machines like jacks-in-the-box, and the whole thing felt dull and haphazardly put together. But it was enough for its target audience. / Lesson learned: Like a fool who, as a child, considered provoking the residents of a wasp nest as an exciting experience (until the actual execution), I can confirm that neither a shotgun nor a pistol will help a person against enraged stinging insects :-) ()