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Arvostelut (2 891)


Yksi silta liikaa (1977) 

englanti One of the few war films where the density of the plot prevails over breathtaking action. In terms of content, it is possibly the most elaborate war film I have ever seen. Richard Attenborough came up with a slightly different approach than most of his colleagues. He does not deal too much with fighting on the front lines, severed limbs, and the chaos of combat, he focuses instead on the luxurious quarters of generals, marshals, their tactics, and experience of the conflict. But there is no shortage of tension, as the cast is truly stellar and the characters are excellently outlined. It’s a pity that the action is weaker, as at that time film technology was not at the forefront like in the last 15 years. If this film were made in modern times, it would probably be the best war piece ever.


Jesse Jamesin salamurha pelkuri Robert Fordin toimesta (2007) 

englanti In the entire 160 minutes of this film there is not a single shot that is redundant or superfluous, and this can't be said very often. I agree with the review by Lima, who thoroughly analyzed the actors, characters, and their actions. The only difference is that for my voracious mainstream taste, I would need more action. But this piece will satisfy old hands and film intellectuals (not the cynics) one hundred percent.


Parfyymi - Erään murhaajan tarina (2006) 

englanti Tom Tykwer is very inventive and has a head full of ideas, which he throws at the viewer with an unprecedented force, and he managed to adapt “Perfume” to the movie screen as well as possible. If we add great actors and the truly beautiful visuals, the occasional plot gaps and excessive running time can be forgiven. A truly unique story, a truly unique film.


Pahan jäljillä (2007) 

englanti Richard Gere is much better playing tough good guys than controversial psychos with hot heads. The director is completely unknown and unfortunately, it shows in the film with quick cuts, nervous camera, and brutal filters, like a younger Ridley Scott, but everything about two or three classes worse and less well-thought-out. Gere doesn't have enough space, and Claire Danes can't handle it on her own. A shockingly boring detective story with practically no action. There are two or three scenes worth paying attention to, but that's mainly thanks to great makeup artists and set design.


Shooter (2007) 

englanti Leaving aside the fact that Wahlberg is like a Terminator in every shootout, none of the highly trained soldiers can hit him, he quickly aims in any direction, and after a few hard hits from his automatic weapon, the enemy lies on the ground, this is pretty solid action entertainment with excellently outlined sniper themes. Above all, I liked that long-range shooting is portrayed in a more realistic way, and the viewer can see that it's not just about having the biggest telescope and the longest rifle. It's a shame that, on the other hand, the script is filled with clichés and the aforementioned super Wahlberg, who, after the initial shot in the back, acts too badass and it's quite annoying.


Viimeinen keisari (1987) 

englanti An exhaustingly long, emotionally dry, and ostentatiously stiff monstrosity pretending to be a blockbuster, but aside from technical prowess, it lacks any of the other essential film attributes necessary to satisfy the viewer. The numerous accolades completely elude me, and the overall praise for this film is also beyond my comprehension. The topic is worth attention. The sets are impressive in themselves, and there are a few interesting scenes – if there weren't at least a few interesting scenes in this three-hour thing, it would be truly sad – and we must not forget the excellent performance by the child actor playing the emperor, which deserves praise. But the rest is simply a series of images with zero emotional impact. And that's exactly what the Oscars used to reward, and once a film has Oscars and other notable awards, and people start singing its praises and making a fuss about it, it is easy for it to get high ratings, even though at its core it's a boring piece of crap.


The Big Hit (1998) 

englanti A tragically stupid film. It is funny at times, but mostly because of how much stupidity oozes from it. Unfortunately, the worst part is that it doesn’t even work as as an action movie. The fast-paced scenes are downright laughable – absolutely incomprehensible, tragically edited, completely messed up. I tried to take it with a grain of salt, but at times it was truly unbearable. Unbelievable mess.


Manaaja: Alku (2004) 

englanti It's already discouraging that the film is conceived to ride on the wave of popularity of the first and already legendary The Exorcist, but it only succeeds very sporadically. The huge amount of poorly done effects (terrible hyenas) was surprising and seemed quite strange for a big production. On the other hand, it's not surprising from good-old Harlin, who seems to have undergone a brain operation in the new century. He can't direct actors and doesn't know what to do. Several scenes are good, the lighting work deserves attention, but in terms of the screenplay, the new Exorcist is quite uneven and the ending is nonsense.


Hiiriä ja ihmisiä (1992) 

englanti It is important to bear in mind that Gary Sinise is a very sensitive person. He brilliantly portrays the subtle but very strong relationship between the two men and cleverly wrapped it in the harsh times after the financial crash, when, for every rich person, there were thousands of poor people in the rough American countryside and small towns, and the fights for low-quality jobs were truly unprecedented. Despite the fact that the film is very well made and with a strong social message, it is a very simple outline about a poor man with a good heart. The performance is brilliant, it captures the heart, but that is also the only thing they relied on. Honest? Yes. So honest that most viewers don't even realise that Sinise played it safe...


New Jack City (1991) 

englanti The atmosphere of the 90s is striking and drug-infested, with dozens of black gangsters with egg-sized gold rings portrayed very interestingly, and in a sense, even brutally. Young Wesley Snipes and young Chris Rock, who is almost unrecognizable here, deserve attention, but above all the devilish Ice-T, whom I had never outside a direct-to-video B-movie, but here, he delivers a captivating performance; his half-crazed cop is flawless. The rise and fall of the drug lord is not described in such detail, and the film rather focuses on hard street fights, rivalry, and drugs themselves. An interesting, tough, and dirty film, but one that did not grow close to my heart.