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Arvostelut (335)


Drinking Buddies (2013) 

englanti 2 stars for not trying to be a standard romantic comedy and telling the story as it would probably happen in real life (a film with a maximum concentration of well, umm, yeah,...). But the rest of the movie? It is basically about nothing. Well, actually, it's about beer. Watching an American sip his beer as if it was hot coffee is simply priceless.


Keinoja kaihtamatta (2012) 

englanti Practically nothing about this movie works. I like the three lead actors, but they are drowning in uninteresting dialogues, sloppy screenplay and the overall cheap feel of the movie. Maybe it was supposed to be an action comedy, but there is very little comedy and it’s entirely lacking in action scenes. Most importantly, the character of the villain is completely irrelevant for the story. It's a shame, this could have been a fun easy watch. What you get instead is just a crashing bore.


Michael Jackson: Black or White (1991) (musiikkivideo) 

englanti I prefer rock to pop, but “Black or White” is an absolute gem of the music industry. It's clearly the best pop song which only a complete ignoramus wouldn’t like. The then-awesome Culkin’s appearance is just icing on the cake.


Sademies (1988) 

englanti The only thing that was impressive about this movie was Dustin Hoffman’s (traditionally) great performance. But everything else is kind of bland, without emotions, without anything that would make this film unique. It just seems too American for me. Plus, I feel like I’m the only one who was absolutely unmoved by Cruise's supposed "transformation" from an arrogant showoff into a loving brother. A weak 4 stars.


Community (2009) (sarja) 

englanti This Greendale bunch is one of the tightest groups of friends that ever appeared in a sitcom. After having seen about 35 episodes, I could just go and watch them all over again, because they made me laugh so hard like no other series. Despite all the references that I probably didn’t catch because I haven’t seen enough movies and a lot of the jokes were intended for an American audience, I still laughed with every episode. All the characters are perfectly cast. Troy and Abed are clearly in the lead, but the others are great, too. And my favorite episodes? Modern Warfare - an undisputed highlight of the series (Disco Stu totally killed it) / Epidemiology - (“Jeff. Still cool as a zombie.”). / Contemporary American Poultry / Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design / Remedial Chaos Theory / Pillows and Blankets / S01: 9/10. S02: 9/10. S03: 9/10. S04: 9/10. S05: 7/10.


X-Men: First Class (2011) 

englanti I honestly haven't seen anything this fantastic in quite a while! I don't even believe that these are X-Men and I mean it in a good way. There hasn’t been a mature comic book movie like this since Nolan's Batman, and that's really saying something. The fact that Fassbender would give a brilliant performance was to be expected, but McAvoy was also great as well as Lawrence. In fact, most of the characters were well cast. I could go on with the superlatives, such as the best installment of the whole series, etc., etc. But the biggest thanks goes to the director, because Vaughn was able to captivate everyone for more than two hours with the story alone, without any lame one-liners or filler, moving everything forward at a frantic pace. Plus, I have a compelling urge to watch this again, which hasn’t happened to me in a long time. Definitely the best movie of 2011 and a well-deserved 5 stars.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 

englanti I’d say this was a decent action movie, but all that effort to make it epic and the wasted potential of the script turn this into a disappointment, considering the gem of a movie this could have been. The only positives are the standard good music and, as always, fantastic Jackman (and a couple of good lines here and there), otherwise an average movie in all respects.


X-Men: Viimeinen kohtaaminen (2006) 

englanti Well, I don't know. At least given the material, this installment could have been the best one, but the way Ratner narrated the story was just pathetic. There was a lot of action in The Last Stand, but it was so devoid of emotions or spirit, that I just couldn't care less about how it all went and especially how it would turn out in the end, which is a huge red flag for any movie. Plus, most of the new characters and even some regular ones did not appear at all, so after the second installment, the rating dropped back down to average.


Ensisilmäyksellä (2005) (sarja) 

englanti A sitcom that can be enjoyed by almost any generation. Above-standard entertainment, with especially the first three or four seasons being absolutely perfect. However, over time, starting around the sixth season, the series drops down to an average. It can’t avoid the common pitfalls facing any contemporary series, that is, attempts at character development, while excessively stretching out the plot. The negatives are, however, outweighed by the positive impression that these five best friends from Manhattan managed to leave on me. To borrow a catchphrase from Barney, I'd call those nine years during which not only the characters went through changes, but so did I, truly legendary.