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Arvostelut (3 462)


Exeter (2015) 

englanti The trailer was okay, the ratings were terrible, and I still gave Exeter a shot, and in the end it wasn't bad at all. It's a fact that the movie is stupid to the point of being painful, the behavior of the characters and the script are among the worst in the category, but I'm not allergic to that. The film keeps a fairly decent pace, has a few decent jokes, it's even filmed decently and the last half hour is awesome with perfect gore, which makes it a wonder that even bloody fans are so critical of the film. A few scenes were very good, and the ending itself with the head cut in half and the toothbrushes stuck in the eyes, it’s not something you see every day. Not much to recommend it, but a relatively fine B-movie. 55%


Bigmaechi (2014) 

englanti Big Match was supposed to be my dark horse this year, because nothing of substance is supposed to come out of Korea this year, but unfortunately I can't avoid disappointment. While it's true that the protagonist is likable and once he's involved in the millionaire game, the film has a decent pace until the end, but the all-around comedy element spoils the impression. The movie is not at all hard, gritty, gory, it's a kind of fun foolishness where I'm not even too happy with the action scenes. There's only one proper fight and that's only at the end, otherwise it's basically just running away all the time, zigzagging even with the help of acrobatics, but this doesn't really grab me. For me, the potential of both the main character is completely unused (an MMA world champion and he doesn't get a chance to show off properly? Really?!) and the challenges seemed rather uninteresting and underutilized. A great pity. 60%.


Banshee (2013) (sarja) 

englanti Season 1 95%, Season 2 100% and Season 3 definitely 200%. Banshee is the king of action series, it has perfect characters, great one liners, lots of sex (there is not a woman in the series who doesn't get naked), perfect gore, solid fights, very good action, the emotions work too, because the characters die a lot. Best Characters: Hood is charismatic likable, confident, fearless, brave and solves everything his way. Job, even though he's a transvestite, he added incredible juice to the series, there wasn't a sentence where he didn't say motherfucker and always put a smile on my face. Proctor is a strange character, you don't know whether to root for him or hate him, he's versatile but decent as a mob boss. Rebecca is a dream woman, I'd invest 20 grand to fuck her, but in the third season she's become a typical and forceful bitch. Brock is a nice guy, he doesn't stand out too much from the show, but he's fair and a good cop. Sugar is also a very likable character, he doesn't talk too much, he doesn't show off too much in action, but I'd go for a beer with him. Bunker is a Nazi and the third season's reinforcement, he's a dude I enjoy. Chayton is the biggest badass of all badasses, ever, a cold-blooded Indian killer who has no mercy on anyone and you wish him dead. Lola's a right tough pussy, a little Michele Rodriguez. Gordon, Deva, Carrie, those three probably entertained me the least out of the series, I didn't grow fond of any of them. Rabbit is the weaker villain, I didn't enjoy him very much. Stow is the perfect bad guy, he deserves a series to himself, a tough and uncompromising soldier with incredible guts. Bottom line, it was a lovely two weeks.


Horsehead (2014) 

englanti No, not this. This could easily be a prequel to Lords of Salem, because both films nearly tortured me to death. The greater horror was me in bed watching it, rolling from side to side, banging my head against the wall, biting my nails, and chasing the thought in my head of why the fuck the movie wasn't over yet. An unbelievable borefest that is so hypnotically and uninterestingly filmed on top of everything else that you won't even know or know the gist of the film. France is declining year by year and the times of Inside and High Tension are probably gone. The only thing worth mentioning here was the ending, where the strange horse fell apart quite nicely, but otherwise this thing missed me by a mile. Sorry. 25%.


The Lazarus Effect (2015) 

englanti After the enjoyable trailer, I'm pretty annoyed at how bland and uninteresting it was. Despite the fabulous running time, the film is slow to get going, the scares are absolutely non-functional, the soundtrack is lacking, and I had headphones on. The final showdown also sucks, visually the film is lame, only Olivia Wilde makes it worth seeing the film, I could keep my eyes on her. Disappointing, glad I didn't go to the cinema. 40%


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 

englanti After cardiac resuscitation I am back and can write my feelings. Mad Max: Fury Road is frantic and adrenaline-fueled to the point where all other movies seem old-fashioned and incredibly slow. Intensity, insanity, extravagant ideas, filthiness, and breakneck pace are superlatives that clearly describe this film. There was absolutely no need for a more complex story here, the film has plenty to surprise you, it evokes emotion and hatred, you can't breathe during the action scenes and only wipe your brow during minor moments of calm, take a sip of Coke and before you know it you're back in suspense, stressed and dodging great 3D effects. There hasn't been a better post-apocalyptic road movie in years (I'm deliberately not mentioning the action genre because The Raid 2 is the best). 98% without a doubt. 2% off, because I was hoping that the film would be much more of a butchery as promised, but it didn't happen.


Project Almanac (2015) 

englanti I'm quite fond of these time loop films and Welcome to Yesterday is entertainingly presented and it's a shame it doesn't make much inroads into the thriller genre. The first half is quite plodding, but once the attempt starts to work some excellent entertainment comes in, especially from the school setting, but the finale was unfortunately too cluttered and chaotic and I didn't get a very positive impression of it. Fine characters, a fine idea and fine entertainment, but the ambition was higher. 65%


Parlor (2015) 

englanti Decent, though I was expecting a lot more blood and gore, it's kept fairly low key and we don't see too much of it, but even a little is plenty these days. The cast is very beautiful and sexy, from the sexy brunette stripper to the incredible goth, suicide, tattooed, nasty bitch. Robert Lasardo is a fine choice of villain, I also remember him from Autopsy in particular where he shone the most. The film also has decent visuals, good pacing, a decent final twist and a surprising ending and a dash of good gore, so a weaker four stars is in order. 70%


Demonic (2015) 

englanti Wow, Demonic absolutely exceeded all my expectations and put me on my ass. The film features a fine cast, especially Frank Grillo and Maria Bello, but the other teen actors are also very decent. The film is split into two storylines and is told in flashback which suited me, both storylines have something to offer. The first one from the present has an interesting crime investigation with a perfect final twist and explanation like in Saw. The second one is a classic rip-off, but be warned, incredibly functional. The film features a lot of scares and really sneaky, evil ones that will make you twitch in bed and wish it was over. Luckily I escaped without any major injuries, but I have bruised arm from falling out of bed. Headphones are a must! I enjoyed it. 75%.


The Well (2014) 

englanti I've been looking forward to The Well since the first teaser and it came out so blandly in the end. First of all, the film rubbed horror very narrowly, it's more of a relationship drama, a couple of times it builds up to a thriller where the main character has to fight against her enemies, but the result is not impressive or effective at all, blood spurts very sparesely, the whole thing is kept at bay, it comes across as downright dystopia for teens, which is a damn shame. Fortunately I didn't suffer, it went by relatively quickly, but the film offers nothing innovative, shocking and has no scene worth seeing. 45%