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Arvostelut (3 803)


The Disaster Artist (2017) 

englanti The comparison to Burton's Ed Wood, which many commentators resort to, is logical and The Disaster Artist does not come out of it with honor in any way. James Franco still has a long way to go to be a master and above all, he lacks imagination. It's simply not a playful Burton-like film and it can't do anything other than parasitize on the legendary flop The Room. There is nothing else here than mechanical copying, while Tommy Wiseau is portrayed as a completely uncharismatic and, unfortunately, also downright annoying guy, who annoys the viewer with his performances. Much more could have been extracted from the source material. Overall impression: 45%.


Karnawal (2020) 

englanti Growing up is not easy, and if your father is in prison, it's twice as hard. Your hormones are working full throttle, the desire to seek missing role models clashes with the need to assert oneself against their surroundings. A small smuggling deal threatens to turn into a big disaster with unforeseen consequences, and a meeting with the father on parole brings disillusionment and further complications. I don't trust bloated film co-productions, but this collaboration of Latin American and European filmmakers worked perfectly. It's a film full of energy, tension, believable conflicts, and emotions, and it is not half-hearted and leaves a lot to its characters and audience. In just 24 hours, the teenager Cambra accomplishes a lot and takes a big step forward on the path to adulthood. Karnawal is not an interchangeable film product. South American temperament, deeply-rooted machismo, the exoticism of carnival rhythms, and the difficult social reality of South American society are abundantly present in the film. I would also highlight the authentic performances and appropriate duration. All in all, I have no reason to give it less than 5 stars and a 90% overall impression.


The Gentlemen (2019) 

englanti The Gentlemen is a return to Ritchie's beginnings, i.e., frenzied gangster movies full of betrayals and dirty backstage games, filmed with evident irony and with the director's awareness that he wants to entertain his audience first and foremost. As Guy ages, his characters also age and transform. They are no longer bold little players consumed by ambitions, wanting to thrive among established tough guys, but rather powerful underworld figures who move among the social elites and contemplate stepping out of the illegal business so as not to harm their carefully built reputation. However, the big boss attracts the attention of those who would like to take his place in the food chain, and thus the last deal of his career unexpectedly gets complicated. Instead of content gangster retirement, he is forced to defend himself from attacks on all sides. Ritchie is usually able to come up with entertaining and unconventional characters, and this time was no exception. Besides the partly flamboyant, partly casual gang leader, it is primarily the cunningly corrupted tabloid journalist played by Hugh Grant who stands out. He once became famous for playing stereotypical heartthrobs in romantic comedies, but as he has aged, he has shifted to playing noble villains, usually with a subtle ironic twist and characterized by extremely developed vanity. To sum it up, I had a great time with it. I hope Guy Ritchie has not said his last word yet. Overall impression: 90%.


French Exit (2020) 

englanti The 62-year-old Hollywood veteran immersed herself in her role with all her professionalism, even though the character of Frances presented her with mischievous obstacles. A lifelong non-smoker, Michelle was forced to smoke more cigarettes for the role than she had in her entire previous professional life. She deserves recognition for her performance, but the film itself is considerably more problematic. I miss having a strong producer's hand, who should be the first to recognize that the film is heading towards failure. It is not clear who the film wants to appeal to, and it doesn't even have a clear genre it wants to be part of. Some of the characters should have been more well-defined. At times, the film requires an uncompromising edit. The screenwriter's work should have been returned to the table for (probably multiple) revisions. In this form, the film is destined to be quickly forgotten. Overall impression: 40%.


Frank Millerin Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) 

englanti My relationship with film is best illustrated by the fact that I managed to avoid it for almost 8 years after its premiere. Rodriguez has never been among my favorite directors, and even in moments of weakness, I only gave him a maximum of 3 stars, and with the passing years, I feel that I am moving further away from his work. Therefore, today I am much stricter when it comes to his films. Since the first trip to Sin City, Rodriguez has not advanced anywhere, and he hasn't understood anything or learned anything new. In this film, we can once again witness the failure of narrative techniques and the pitiful inability to work with characters. The film quickly becomes an unintentional parody of itself. Miller's exaggeratedly affected comic book vision needed cinematic cultivation and sensitive development of its world, not mechanical takeover and cramping literalness. Rodriguez did not become a visionary, but rather a discoverer and advocate of a typical dead-end in filmmaking. If it weren't for the fetishistically seductive visuals and the presence of Eva Green, who lends her deceptive femme fatale with confidence and wit like no other actress, I would rate it even lower. Overall impression: 35%.


Greta Thunberg - The Voice of the Future (2020) BOO!

englanti A one-dimensional adoration documentary, which in its uncritically achieves the opposite effect and, with its enthusiasm for the cause, reminds us of the naivety of the building agitprops of the late 1940s. If you do want to dedicate your time to a documentary about Greta Thunberg, then a much better choice is I Am Greta by Nathan Grossman. Overall impression: 0%.


Kuningas, rakastajatar ja aisankantaja (1995) 

englanti Restoration is definitely not to be considered as a "serious" historical drama. It is a romantic, period morality tale about a redeemed sinner, which has much in common with the costume French blockbusters of the 60s and 70s, such as Angelique. The film's strong aspect is its set design and star-studded cast, and the backing of a major American studio is undeniable. The film is made with ease, it presents itself as likable consumer goods that doesn't embarrass itself and approaches historical reality with a certain dignity. Moreover, it can skillfully work with emotions, moving and entertaining exactly where the authors intended. Even the clichés used here are not offensive. It is a cultured genre spectacle, somewhat more accommodating to a female audience. Overall impression: 75%.


The Green Knight (2021) 

englanti A person is a social creature and as such is forced to play social roles practically throughout their entire life. Denying them brings misunderstanding, isolation, and contempt from others. We are simply much less free than we think in our pride. The protagonist of the film, Gawain, is not an exemplary knight - in fact, he doesn't even aspire to that position and knightly virtues are somewhat meaningless to him. However, when confronted with the royal court and the wishes of the royal majesty himself, he commits an act out of zeal that signifies the end of his previous life. David Lowery dismisses fans of commercial fantasy fairy tales and maliciously strips his film of all the usual genre elements that audiences enjoy in such productions. Instead, he serves a slow, visually embellished journey of his hero in pursuit of fulfilling his destiny. It's a journey where Lowery systematically tears down Gawain and deprives him of any nobility and heroism. In return, he makes him deeply human and, as shown in the final confrontation with the Green Knight, willing to accept his fate. I saw the film as part of the Karlovy Vary Film Festival late in the evening, which didn't do me any favors, as I struggled to stay awake. Due to the intimate nature of the work, I couldn't avoid a few micro-naps, which cost it a star. An afternoon screening might have propelled The Green Knight to the highest rating, as the director made a positive impression on me. I would reward it with 80% and recommend seeing the film, ideally on the big screen where its visuals shine.


Mr. Jones (2019) 

englanti I do not claim that this is Agnieszka Holland's best film, but I am still surprised by the lukewarm or even negative reviews, which I do not agree with. As a history fan, I went through the protagonist's bitter journey to the land of the Soviets with him and I did not find any major flaws or uninteresting passages. The film not only affected me in the horrifying moments of confrontation with the despair of weakened and dying people during the famine but also in depicting the suffocating atmosphere of Stalin's Moscow in the 1930s and the decadent life of the tolerated (because it was somehow necessary) Western community. The aristocratic environment of the British upper class did not bother me either, as it was a materialization of real personalities from that era for me, and I did not perceive the longer duration as a handicap, nor do I feel that the topic is outdated. The need not to succumb to the powerful, and not to be conformist and cowardly, applied to journalism in the past century as well as it does today. Overall impression: 80%.


A Bigger Splash (2015) 

englanti I either haven't seen Deray's film or I have completely blocked it out after a few decades, so I don't have the ability to compare the approaches of both directors and decide which one is more effective. Guadagnino's film seems somewhat dull, muted, and unremarkable to me. A Bigger Splash was supposed to be a combination of thriller and psychological drama, but the director would have had to work much more with the characters, play a sophisticated game full of hints, dose information, and veiled conflicts, which gradually and inevitably bubble to the surface only to explosively erupt in an emotional outburst, instead of using lengthy shots of the sunny Italian nature. Only the character of the not inherently evil, but self-centered, possessive, and hedonistic producer works as it should (I'm afraid mostly thanks to the performance of the acting chameleon Ralph Fiennes rather than the director's guidance). Dakota Johnson's Lolita only gets enough space to show off her naked body and send provocative looks, which is questionable considering the immodest duration. Tilda Swinton is a casting mistake. I consider her an interesting actress destined for special categories of roles such as androgynous or asexual beings and broken women whirled through life, but with the knowledge that a) she won't read this and b) I am at a sufficient distance away. I have to say that I cannot imagine Tilda as a sexual object arousing desire and jealousy. Matthias Schoenaerts fails to act as a counterpart to Ralph Fiennes on the same level, and this lack significantly sinks the dramatic conflict. It also wouldn't hurt to cut out about 12 minutes of runtime. A Bigger Splash is watchable, but apart from Fiennes and the soundtrack, it quickly evaporates from the mind. Overall impression: 55%.