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Arvostelut (7 577)


Bone Tomahawk (2015) 

englanti I was definitely expecting something other than just getting from point A to point B while constantly blabbering. Maybe it’s because I like Tarantino films, which are also chatty, or because of Richard Jenkins' performance, but I wasn't bored for a moment. Matthew Fox surprised me the most out of the four leads. Brooder was the first role I liked him in. I'd never thought much of him as an actor before. Anyway, 90 minutes in, the plot really gets going and all hell breaks loose, which is a real treat for many a romantic soul. A quiet western road movie suddenly turns into a brutal bloodbath with everything that goes with it.


RoboCop (1987) 

englanti Another excellent sci-fi thriller which, together with Terminator, was and still belongs to the best of the 80s. It was also the first Paul Verhoeven film I’d seen, and I became an instant fan. RoboCop is literally packed with thrilling action scenes, but it also contains moments that bring you closer to the character of Alex Murphy, mostly focusing on the memories of his family. Fortunately, pre-1990 films didn't use so much of the now typical American melodrama, so these scenes work well. Another big plus is the cast. You’ll hardly find a nastier villain than Kurtwood Smith.


Pulp Fiction - Tarinoita väkivallasta (1994) 

englanti As far as I remember, Pulp Fiction was the first Tarantino film I ever saw, and it was love at first sight. An excellent film with an incredible number of great lines, a perfect cast, and an amazing plot. It's simply a film that grabs my attention right from the opening scene and doesn’t let go until the closing credits. Even now that I know exactly what's going to happen and when, and how it’s all going to end. A real treat!


Terminator - tuhoaja (1984) 

englanti One of the films that had a powerful influence on me growing up. Like many others, I saw it on a VHS copy of a copy of a copy, and I instantly loved it. So much so that I still enjoy watching it today. True, the effects correspond to the time it was made. Even though they are of a high standard, the scene in which Arnie takes out his eye is just not as impressive today because of the obviously rubber face. I don't mean the film is bad, on the contrary, I think it’s definitely one of the best sci-fi thrillers ever made. Arnie was born to play T-800 (minimum acting and maximum thick German accent) and it was thanks to him that I sided with the dark side of the force for the first time.


Aferim! (2015) 

englanti This film just wasn’t my kind of thing. It’s probably not the film’s fault, I just made the wrong choice. It was full of lengthy conversations about topics that I didn’t find interesting. Thirty minutes into the film, I realized that I didn't really care if the runaway was caught or if he escaped. I was just hoping for it to end soon.


Mad Men (2007) (sarja) 

englanti The best series with a retro vibe that I've seen so far, although I do think that it may cause heart attacks among militant feminists and the anti-smoking and anti-drinking league. It's really interesting to see where some boundaries have shifted in fifty years. If I were an average American today, I'd probably need to see my therapist straight away. Being an average European, I enjoyed the series and had a great time.


Yonderland (2013) (sarja) 

englanti What a blast. It made me laugh almost without stopping and made me remember when I used to watch the Muppet show on Polish TV. The award for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress should go to Mr. Havelock and Miss Fanshaw.


Home Care (2015) 

englanti The cast was decent, but the film turned out to be disappointing for me. I was just watching someone slowly die for an hour and a half without any interest in the story whatsoever.  Plus, those esoteric cultists were quite annoying, and the whole film kind of bummed me out. Eventually, it dawned on me that all I had to do to ‘enjoy’ a similar experience, was to turn off the DVD player and immerse myself in my own ‘afterlife’. The problem is that I want a film to make me forget that and not the other way around. I'm not a fan of French cinema, but Intouchables was on a whole other level.


Loma (2015) 

englanti I watched the movie for a while without laughing once, and just when I was about to start watching something else, Christina Applegate really got going and she kept me entertained till the end. All three stars go to Christina. If she hadn't given such a great performance, there wouldn’t be anything worth rating.


Galavant (2015) (sarja) 

englanti I really can’t stand musicals, but this obviously low-budget quirky series blew my mind. The writers poke fun at almost everything including themselves, which is exactly my kind of thing. Especially the "epic" battle in the second season with many references to Braveheart and Game of Thrones was excellent, as was any scene with the chef and the handmaiden (truly optimistic dialogue). Too bad the series got canceled, I would definitely watch another season.