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Viimeiset arvostelut (7 592)


Sprint - Trials & Tribulations (2024) (jakso) 

englanti No, how could I rate individual episodes impartially when I clearly favor the Jamaican team? I simply had to rewatch the fourth episode because the creators devoted a lot of attention to Jamaican speed queens, and especially because I could spend some time with my favorite, not very tall, but still fast at thirty-six, athlete who has been at the top for over ten years. Yes, this episode was definitely the best for me so far, but keep in mind that I am a fan of Jamaica, which significantly influenced my rating. / Lesson: You can escape poverty, but you have to run very, very fast.


Sprint - Belonging (2024) (jakso) 

englanti So well-executed episode, yet I lowered the rating. Why? Because I developed a strong antipathy towards Noah Lyles while watching the first episode, which can undoubtedly be attributed to the fact that I don't really like all the arrogant Americans who love to listen to themselves so much. His loving mother is also a thorn in my side, for whom her son is understandably the best child in the world, but I have already heard all of that in the opening episode and constant refreshing of memory in this regard is truly unnecessary. But despite my grumbling, I must admit that the creators managed to capture the fantastic atmosphere in the stadiums and deliver it all the way to my home, so I could feel the tension even though I naturally knew how it would all end. / Lesson learned: Being able to accept defeat gracefully is a sign of great character. 3*+


1670 - Marsz równości (2023) (jakso) 

englanti Unlike the previous episode, there were no dull moments, and I watched with my usual crooked smile as the plot skewered all the typical Polish prejudices. I found myself genuinely laughing out loud at times, especially at the reference to an old Polish TV quiz show, which was just perfect. The Jewish float and the entire march, including its opponents, were equally hilarious. / Lesson learned: Not everyone can be a puppeteer. 4*+

Viimeiset tähtiarviot (11 225)

Theo Von: Regular People (2021) (ohjelma)


Sprint (2024) (sarja)


Sprint - The Double Is Alive (2024) (jakso) (E06)


Sprint - The Gold Standard (2024) (jakso) (E05)


Sprint - Trials & Tribulations (2024) (jakso) (E04)


Sprint - Belonging (2024) (jakso) (E03)


1670 - Marsz równości (2023) (jakso) (E04)


Sprint - Queens (2024) (jakso) (E02)


Sprint - Heir to the Throne (2024) (jakso) (E01)



Viimeinen päiväkirjan merkintä (14)

Občas se zadaří :-D

Teprve dnes jsem poznal tuto skvělou švédskou skupinu, která se okamžitě zařadila mezi mé nejoblíbenější. Jako mrzáka mě už dlouho nic tak dokonale nerozesmálo!