Apple TV+ - Suoratoistopalvelut

Apple TV+

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Parhaat suoratoistopalvelun elokuvat


D.MooreKovaa kyytiä ja kaunokaisia(1924) 

This is definitely one of the best Keaton films I've seen so far, second only to The General. In terms of the story (a perfect parody) and the inventiveness of the gags (the killer chair, the pool table, the motorcycle… (lisää)

novotenJeanne d'Arcin kärsimys(1928) 

We won't depart from the closeups of faces, from the extra raw emotions, and unfortunately also from depression for depression's sake, because we all know where the main heroine begins in the plot, what she will have to… (lisää)


A poignant grotesque about the fact that making fun is no fun at all. Most of the gags, even from today's perspective, are very funny and brilliantly delivered, but I feel they somewhat overdid it after the excellent… (lisää)

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